
Address administration of mineral titles, Mutfwang tells FG




The Plateau State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang has frowned at the illegal mining activities in the state and called on the Federal Government to address the lapses in the administration of mineral titles.

He also wants stakeholders in the sector to always engage the government as well as involve communities for the smooth operation in the mining industry.

Plateau State, according to Governor Mutfwang, is one of the leading states in mineral resources, but it has nothing to show for it except the death traps that have been left all over the place.

The governor made this position known when the North-Central, officials of the Nigeria Mining Cadastre office led by Kubai Musa Abba paid him a visit, recently at the Old Government House, Rayfield, Jos.

Represented by his Deputy, Mrs Josephine Piyo, Mutfwang maintained that Plateau State widely known as Tin City, has been the mainstay of the Nigerian economy in those days but up till date without any commensurate benefit.

He stressed the need for the harmonisation of the mining lease in the country and noted that a situation where people just cut corners to obtain operational licenses and go into exploration in communities without the knowledge of the people must be stopped.

Earlier, Director General, Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office, represented by Kubai Musa Abba, a director in the Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office, North-Central Zone, explained that they are responsible for administration of mineral titles. He added that anyone interested in exploration and exploiting minerals in the country will have to obtain the legal instrument to do so.

According to the Nigeria Mining Act 2007, there are six types of mineral titles with which one could explore or exploit for minerals in the country to include Recognisance Permit, Exploration Licence, Small scale Mining Lease, Quarry lease, Mining lease as well as Water Use Permit.
He further disclosed that as at July, 2023, there was a total of 6561 valid mineral titles excluding Water Use Permit and Recognisance Permit. And that out of 328 mining leases in the country, 48 are in Plateau State which is the highest, second only to Kogi with 55 as at July, 2023 and encouraged Plateau State to take advantage of this and many others by being interested in what is happening in the mineral sector.

Also contributing, Plateau State Commissioner for Lands and Survey, Peter Gai described what is happening in the mining sub-sector as unacceptable. This is because these mining companies operate without environmental impact assessment which has caused devastating effect on the land, apart from the insecurity as a result of these mining activities.

He stressed the need for a deliberate policy to ensure that those going into the mining industry should follow due process whereby the government and the communities are paid royalty while also ensuring the reclamation of the land.

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