Adopt reconciliation for brotherhood, national cohesion – Obata-Obie 




The Igwe Obata-Obie 1 of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, HRH Amb. Engr. David Kingston Okey-Dede, has called on the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu, and the Minister of State for Labour and Productivity, Hon. Nkeiruka Chidubem Onyejeocha to thread the path of peace by adopting reconciliation as regards the differences between them. I’m

The Igwe Obata-Obie 1 of Abuja, Amb. Okey-Dede called for their reconciliation in a statement personally signed by him and issued to newsmen recently.

This followed the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu’s denial of any link with the alleged campaign of calumny against Minister of State for Labour and Productivity, Hon. Nkeiruka Chidubem Onyejeocha.

According to BluePrint, One Usman Shuaibu who claimed to be the National Coordinator of Progressive League of APC Youth Voters, had spewed allegations of campaign of calumny against Onyejeocha at a media briefing.

But reacting to the allegation, Kalu said were it not for purposes of protecting the unsuspecting members of the public who may inadvertently be hoodwinked by a tirade of spurious narratives, the office of the Deputy Speaker would never be bothered about making a rebuttal.

Levinus Nwabughiogu, Chief Press Secretary (CPS) to the Deputy Speaker in a statement recently, said what rather comes to mind is that the press conference was misdirected or at best, done without the consent of the minister who obviously would be embarrassed by it because it has the imprints of a people on a mission to infamy and perfidy.

“While one is seriously affronted by the launch of insolence and impudence against the person and the Office of the Deputy Speaker by this group, it is also very pertinent to state that it may be lost on them that Kalu shares a healthy and robust relationship with Onyejeocha, both as a sister and worthy partner in the government of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

“But the fact that Onyejeocha has not yet disassociated herself from the press conference, leaves a huge worry and casts aspersions on her person as to what manner of a minister would be creating an impression of someone deliberately courting trouble where none exists.

Explaining that there was no reason for the Deputy Speaker to have any issue with the Minister, the statement said, “Both officials hail from different political constituencies and so, there is no basis for a political war at all. Kalu’s passion is to engender a new paradigm shift in political leadership especially as it affects the youth of this country”

Reacting to the face-off between the duo of the Igbo extraction, the Igwe Obata-Obie 1 of Abuja, HRH Amb David Okey-Dede entreated Kalu and Onyejeocha to replicate the image of the Igbos in the good light by resolving their disagreement with brotherly spirit and allow peace to reign.

Igwe David Okey-Dede, who said he has constituted a committee to look into the matter to bring about peaceful resolutions, further enjoined them to end the media war and embrace unity.

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