Atiku’s wife canvasses Northeast women’s votes



  From ABBAS GUNGURA, Bauchi

As all parties employ various strategies to have the upper hand at the polls come 2023 general elections, the wife of the former Vice President of Nigeria and the current Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Hajia Rukayya Atiku Abubakar, has called on the Nigerian women to vote for all candidates of the party in 2023 from top to toe in order to improve the well-being of women and youth.

Rukayya Abubakar was speaking at the Northeast Women’s Town Hall Meeting held at the Multi-purpose indoor Sports Hall in Bauchi on Wednesday, where she said women remain key stakeholders in the economic growth and development of the society.

According to her “we are gathered here in Bauchi State today in order to sensitize our fellow women on what they should do in 2023 and the need for them to obtain their voters card which they will use to send APC off″, she said.

She said women should not be seen selling their votes for whatsoever reason, as doing so, will mortgage the future of the generation yet unborn thereby further degrading the image of women in the eyes of their male counterparts politically.

“I beg you in the name of God, don’t give your vote to anyone for whatever amount, shun moneybag politicians who will be coming to buy your votes with N2000 or N3000”, Mrs Atiku cautioned.

Princess Rukayya Atiku said that the occasion has the presence of PDP women representatives across six states of the Northeast and was meant to mobilize the entire women in the geopolitical zone to vote massively for the PDP across board.

While thanking Governor Bala Mohammed and his wife, Hajiya Aisha Bala Mohammed for hosting the event, Mrs. Atiku expressed appreciation for the massive turn out of women at the venue.

The Princess said from what she saw today in Bauchi, she was convinced that Governor Bala Mohammed and his wife, Gimbiyan Bauchi are in total control of the state and will surely deliver the state to PDP 100 percent.

Earlier speaking, the First Lady Bauchi State, Hajiya Aisha Bala Mohammed, urged the PDP women in the region to vote for God-fearing leaders in the forthcoming general elections.

She assured that despite APC’s maladministration in the country, Nigeria is going to bounce back and record more development and economic growth when the right people are voted into leadership positions.

Aisha Bala Mohammed, warned the women against selling their votes for instant gratification from politicians. She said that God will not come down to elect leaders for them. Adding that every woman should wake from past dreams and elect Atiku Abubakar at the top and  Bala Mohammed as second term Governor of Bauchi State as well as all candidates of PDP in the Northeast, for the good and peace of Nigerians.

“You have to make the right choice by voting the right leaders through the use of your PVCs. And we all believe that the right people to vote are in PDP from top to toe,” Gimbiya advised  women.

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