Benue crisis: We are not to blame – Oju leaders



From TERESE TUHWA, Makurdi

The people of Oju clan have said they are not against the location of the University of Applied Sciences and Technology (UNAST) on the land earmarked for its permanent site.

They also said they were not the aggressors in the clashes that broke out between Ibilla and Oju communities on June 11.

These clarifications were contained in a press statement issued by the clan following the outbreak of communal clashes between Ibilla and Oju communities of Oju Local Government Area of Benue State, on June 11 over the location of the university in which several lives were lost and property worth billions of Naira were destroyed.

The statement was jointly signed by Okwori Ojajah, National President Oju Development Association (ODA), Donald Ode, Secretary General, ODA and Thomas Igbe Ajigo, National President, Oju Youths Association.

“As peace and education loving people, the Oju community warmly and wholeheartedly welcomed the establishment of UNAST at Oga Oluwa our land, first, by not demanding for compensation of any kind. Two, by actively participating in the clearing of the permanent site jointly with Ainu and Ibilla people. And third, by participating in preparatory meetings, notably the one of December 14, 2022, convened or attended by the Adirahu ny’Igede, HRH Chief Oga Ero, CP (rtd).

During this period, the name of UNAST’s permanent site ‘Oga-Oluwa’ was correctly reflected on working documents and appropriately recorded and captured in the minutes of that meeting.”

The statement said further that members of the community were surprised when the name ‘Anyuwogbu’ where Professor Johnson Agbinya, the proprietor of UNAST hails from, appeared on the invitation card for the ground breaking/foundation laying ceremony of the university posted on the social media less than one week to the occasion.
“Worse still, to the best of our knowledge, no personality or leader, including the chiefs from Oju clan, the prime catchment community of the proposed university was invited for the event.

Sensing that the proposed university might be a smokescreen or an opportunity for the extension of the Ibilla ‘Anyuwogbu’ agenda, we as a community wrote two separate letters dated June 8, 2023 to the Adirahu ny’Igede, HRH Chief Oga Ero CP (rtd), copying relevant authorities and Prof. Johnson Agbinya, proprietor of the proposed university in which we expressed our reservations and suggested ways to address them.

Consequently, meetings and consultations took place on the eve and in the morning of the event that resulted in the decision to put off the event and the scheduling of a meeting for June 24 to iron out the grey areas.”

According to the statement, Oju Community is not opposed to the siting of UNAST on their land and or is anti development. “Rather, the misunderstanding resulted from the attachment of a hidden ‘Anyuwogbu’ agenda to the noble project of the university.

Everybody in Igede knows the ancestral name where the university is being built to be ‘Oga-Oluwa’ and NOT ‘Anyuwogbu’, which is Professor Agbinya’s village. Our simple demand was and is to use the correct and true name of the place, Oga-Oluwa which we consider as a neutral Igede identity for the place since the Ibilla people are not comfortable with Oju name.

“We are ready to continue to live in peace with our neighbours and call on government and all people of goodwill to prevail on our more illustrious Ibilla neighbours to refrain from oppressing, suppressing and attacking us.”

The community expressed sympathy with victims of the unfortunate incident and called on them and others to enlist as soldiers of truth, justice and peace in our land.

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