

From TERESE TUHWA, Makurdi

The Acting Executive Chairman, Benue State Internal Revenue Service, Mr. Emmanuel Agema has hosted members of Set 88 of Government Technical College, Makurdi who paid him a felicitation visit at the Revenue House.

The tax boss, who was overwhelmed and delighted to receive his schoolmates, expressed excitement seeing them after a very long time.

Mr. Agema who extolled the leadership quality of the association for organising the visit, pledged his support to the association and urged the group to always remain united in developing the association.

Speaking during the courtesy call, the interim chairman, Set 88, Mr. Orshi Tyover Charles, appreciated the chairman for granting them audience and congratulated the chairman on his appointment, noting that the elevation was not only a testament of his hard work and dedication to service but a reflection of the values instilled in him during their school days.

Orshi while commending the chairman for improving the revenue profile of the state, increasing tax net and supporting the governor in prompt payment of salaries in the state, advised him to remain steadfast, committed and focused to the responsibilities bestowed on him through his appointment.

He noted that the challenges may be tough and enormous but the set has high optimism in his capacity to take reasonable and right decisions that would impact Benue people positively.

A statement by media assistant to the BIRS chairman, Mrs. Jacintha Benard, said there was presentation of a gift to the acting chairman as a symbol of appreciation for his achievements and a prayer session to dedicate the chairman and his office to God.

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