Christmas eve attack: Enough is enough – El-Buba




THE Convener, Initiative for Better and Brighter Nigeria (IBBN), Prophet (Dr) Isa El-Buba, has on behalf of the grieving Plateau people and the Church, vowed to mobilise and protect themselves against bloodsucking and land grabbing demons if government fails to protect the precious lives of citizens.

This came in a press statement signed by the IBBN convener and made available to SUNDAY STANDARD in Jos, the Plateau State capital, recently, following the Christmas eve killings of innocent citizens in Bokkos, Barkin-Ladi and Mangu Local Government Areas.

The IBBN Convener said, “I’m grieved waking up for the umpteenth time, to the provoking and heart wrenching news with accompanying gory images of mindless and gruesome massacre of innocent Plateau citizens in Bokkos, Mangu and Barkin-Ladi villages.

These unhindered and unabated organised invasions and carnage by Fulani militia terrorist elements on an obviously land grabbing and annexation missions on the Plateau is a one too many reoccurring incidence that is beginning to give credence to insinuations that indeed, there are collisions in some quarters enabling these killings.

“If not, how do you explain the government’s continued helplessness in the face of renewed and continuous onslaught of its citizens every now and then? Are the terrorists unleashing this mayhem time and over again, spirits? If not what stops their deterrence with sheer counter military fire during days of continuous rampage?

“I wish to give notice of our having enough and fed-up with these embarrassingly provocative killings. If the government continues to fail in protecting the precious God-given lives of its citizens, we won’t take it again and we will stop at nothing to mobilise our people to protect themselves from any blood sucking and land grabbing demon. Yes we can!”, he enthused.

According to Prophet El-Buba, “The audacious regularity and ease with which attackers operate unchallenged on the Plateau and elsewhere in today’s Nigeria, honestly beats me hollow. Whatever government must do to push back these terrorist elements must be done before the people resort to self-help. We say Enough is enough!

“Numerous policy recommendations on how to tackle this hydra-headed monster of killings is replete in the public space and has since been recommended to the government by our citizens’ movement and democratic governance think-tank, the Initiative for Better and Brighter Nigeria (IBBN).

“One of these recommendations is a constitutional alteration to provide for state policing to complement obviously overstretched and insufficient central security operatives who need some over 24 hours to reinforce to an area where citizens are being butchered owing, to their meagre number”, he noted.

The prophet, therefore, called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, to halt his holidays and return to service security and quickly send a comprehensive bill for state policing to the National Assembly to forestall the audacious regular killing and maiming of poor struggling Nigerians in the uncovered Nigerian spaces.

He however, commended eminent Nigerians, groups and Nigerians across socio political divides, who raised concerns and spoke against this carnage saying, “I enjoin us to unite, speak with one voice and act in unison against terrorism.

“I commend gallant boots on ground and all defence security formations for their efforts and they can count on our support anytime- especially that we want them to do more in preventing, averting, repelling the killing curve in Nigeria”, IBBN convener stressed.


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