Christmas killings: We’ve lost confidence in security operatives – Youth coalition



The Coalition of Plateau State Indigenous Youths, Ethnic Nationalities have condemned the Christmas eve attacks and killings in Bokkos and Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State.

The youth groups have also said they have lost confidence in security agencies for not protecting lives despite early warning signs, and distress calls during the attacks.

Reading a communique that was jointly signed by Chairman of the coalition, Com. Paul J. Dekete, and Secretary, Duwam Bosco, to journalists in Jos, they expressed their griviences.

The communique was drafted after arising from its emergency meeting in Mangu LGA in respect of the recent killings and increase in the spate of insecurity in the state. After which the coalition came up with a 6-point resolution which includes : Disappointment at how security agencies responded to distress calls for help by the victims and statistics of the level of destruction meted to the people by the killers.

The communique read: “On security operatives: The coalition observed with deep concern the actions of military personnel on the Plateau, based on their actions and responses during distress situation. The youths have lost trust and confidence in the personnel especially personnel of Sector 5 in Bokkos LGA.
The sector commander Lt Col T.T Pave, was accused by eyewitness among the affected communities, of unprofessional attitude.

Eye witness from communities affected also accused men under Lt Col T.T Pave’ command of arresting and killing locals as seen in the case of late Mr. Samuel Longleng who was confronted and fired at will by men under his command at Garah – kawel, of Mushere district of Bokkos LGA among other cases.
They alleged that arrested Fulani were released within the shortest possible time.” We are calling for his public probing and possible discipline to serve as deterrent and restore confidence in the military operation within the state. The attention of the coalition has been drawn to the harsh molestation of our people in Bokkos by personnel deployed for peace restoration in the area, after the massacre. Such personnel should be called to order”.

“Destruction of farms and houses of victims/displaced persons: The coalition also observed that there is deliberate attempt by the Fulani militias to prevent victims from returning to their ancestral land/homes by looting their properties and food items. The coalition is calling on the government to take necessary action aimed at stopping the looting of properties of victims/displaced persons.So far, statistics show that more than two hundred (200) locals were killed in Bokkos alone, with over three hundred injured( 300), over one thousand two hundred and ninety houses burnt (1,290), eighty one cars(81) burnt, nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety five (19,995) person displaced, now taking refuge at the mini stadium in Bokkos, apart from those who had fled to relatives in other parts of the state and country.
“While displaced persons from various villages are taking refuge in Bokkos town, information at the coalition’s disposal indicate that some armed Fulani are being hosted at Maling (Angwan Hausawa). We are calling on security agents to search and disarm them, to avoid future attacks and killing of innocent citizens”.

“North Central Development Commission: In view of the wanton destruction of lives and properties in Plateau State and across the North Central region of the country, we are calling on the Federal Government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to establish the commission to cater for the millions of people displaced and living as Internally Displaced Persons in their ancestral land, as done in the Northeast region of the country. This will fast track speedy development and restoration of normalcy”.

“Role of security agencies in the State: We observed with dismay that despite the presence of different security apparatus, , human life and property should have been protected, but we only witnessed massacre of innocent people, especially children, women and the aged. We had earlier assumed there was intelligence gathering and sharing among the agencies which ought to have been promptly used to avert the ongoing act of terrorism and banditry in the state. That informed the coalition to conclude that either there is no synergy among the various security outfits or, their efforts are being sabotaged by their subordinates.

“Community protection and defense: The coalition calls on all Plateau communities/nationalities to respectively develop self-defense mechanism in order to survive the ongoing hostility and genocidal mission declared by the bandits and other terrorist elements ravaging the state. It has become imperative to device all protective means, either physical, spiritual or both in the defense of our heritage. It also calls for synergy in community border-patrol within the state between ethnic groups.
The coalition also resolved that any attack on either of the ethnic groups/nationalities in the state shall be responded appropriately irrespective of where it happens”.

“Mandate to government: The coalition also observed the non-commitment to security issues by the various Local Government Chairmen in the state, hence it is calling on State Government to mandate all Local Government Councils to immediately constitute and fund local security outfits/vigilantee groups as early warning and early response mechanism to curtail the spate of killings across the state, pending the requisite response from the federal security agents”.

“The coalition also salutes the gallantry role of Col. U.S. Abdulsalam, Sector 4 Commander for the rapid response in averting the escalation of the invasion that hit part of Barkin Ladi LGA”.

The Coalition unequivocally commends the efforts of Maj. Gen. A.E Abdulsallam, the GOC 3rd Division who doubles as the Commander of Operation Safe Haven-OPSH for his accessibility, prompt response and non-bias on early warnings given.

The coalition however used the forum to call on all Plateau residents not to relent in making available any early warning signal, for early response.

The group further advised all concerned natives and other residents to be on red-alert, come out in mass whenever there is a clarion call for the needful, otherwise to avoid extinction in the hands of terrorists.

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