C.I.A. empowers over 3,000 less privileged




AS part of its yearly Community Based Outreach (CBO), the Christ Image Assembly (CiA) with headquarters in Lagos, has empowered over three thousand (3,000) less privileged persons, donating wrappers, rice and other items in Jos, the Plateau State capital.

This gesture took place recently, at the Rwang Pam Township Stadium Jos, where beneficiaries drawn from all faiths trooped in to receive their special gifts prepared by the leadership of the ministry ahead of the Christmas celebrations.

Presenting the items to the excited crowd at the venue, the Senior Pastor and Overseer of Christ Image Assembly, Bode Orekoya, said, “God is not only God in heaven, but God in heaven and earth and on the earth, He created men to represent Him.

“That is why God would not physically come to help people. He will be using people to help themselves and that is why He raised up the Church so that they can fully represent Him here for the will of God to be run on earth as it is in heaven.

“So, if the love of God is to be shown to men in a practical way because God is Spirit, He will use those of us who are representing Him in the body of Christ to show that mercy. And that is the commission we are just obeying. We are just obeying why we were created to make sure that we can connect people to God to know how God loves them”, he enthused.

According to the man of God, “You know, there is something that always gives one joy in life. It is when you see another person happy because of what you did to him. That kind of joy is not what money can buy and you will feel fulfilled. Also, when God is happy with you, it is enough.

“God came for everybody, be it Muslim or Christian and Jesus died for mankind. In fact, they say He died for sinners and that He came for the sick and the healthy people for they need no treatment. So, this gesture is for everybody! God loves every mankind and He wants every man to come to Him. He does not want anybody to be a candidate of hell fire”, Orekoya encouraged.

On his part, the representative of Nigerian Evangelical Mission Association (NEMA) in Plateau State, David Okoye, commended CiA for this great gesture. He emphasised that, “Jesus said since you did it to the least of His people, you have done it to Him. So, you can see that Jesus is being demonstrated here by showing the love of Jesus which Christ did in the same way.

Also, the International Director of Mission and Network for Christ Image Assembly, (C.I.A), Evangelist Lekan Amusan, disclosed that the programme started on Thursday December 14, 2023 with counselling, ministering, administering medical attention to over 2,500 people as it climaxed with the presentation of items which happened to be the 19th edition.

However, it was a celebration galore at the Rwang Pam Stadium, the venue of the programme in Jos, the state capital as beneficiaries were seen dancing home with new wrappers, bags of rice and other items. Aisha Yahaya Ahmed, Martha Aniha and Samuel Dadung, prayed to God to continue to bless the ministry to continue to do more for the less privileged people.


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