CLCN commends PMB for signing Electoral Act




The Catholic Laity’s Council of Nigeria (CLCN) has commended President Muhammadu Buhari, for signing the Electoral Act 2022 into law, but called for the full implementation of the law to ensure goodwill, transparency and equity that would ensure credible election for gainful transformation of the nation.

This was part of the resolutions reached at the 49th Annual National Conference of the Catholic Laity’s Council of Nigeria, held at Abbé Louis Bautain Retreat, Conference and Catechetical Centre, Itele Ijebu Ogun State. It was signed by Hon. (Sir) Henry H. Yunkwap (KSJI, JP), and Mrs. Anthonia Ogunbiyi as the National President and National Assistant Secretary-General respectivel and made available to THE NIGERIA STANDARD in Jos, the Plateau State capital recently.

The communiqué stated that, “the Council commends the efforts of President Buhari for signing the Electoral Act 2022 into law towards ensuring a smooth and credible transition. Nevertheless, the Council calls for holistic implementation of the Electoral law in line with goodwill, transparency and equity to engender credible candidates that will gainfully transform the nation.

“In the same vein, Council commends Nigerians for coming out to register and encouraged them not to only collect PVC but utilize the rare opportunity to vote wisely and pray for God’s choice for the nation. It also prays for peaceful, free and fair elections in the forthcoming year 2023

“Council, however, decries the worsening security challenges in Nigeria and condemns in totality, the unchecked activities of terrorists, kidnappers, rapists, bandits, armed robbers and herdsmen who constantly attack innocent citizens now that the elections are around the corner”, it stated.

The President said, the Council applauded the Academic Staff Union of the Universities (ASUU), for suspending their prolonged industrial action in sympathy of the innocent students. “The Council calls on the Federal Government to fulfil its part of the obligation in the agreement/memorandum of Understanding with ASUU to avoid another industrial action.

“The entire members of the National Laity Council continue to express immense gratitude to God almighty for the grace to hold a successful 49 Annual Conference and prays for peaceful, free and fair elections in the forthcoming year 2023”, it prayed.

Yunkwap, therefore, added that for a peaceful neighbourhood to be realized, lay-faithful must endeavour to know, tolerate and care for those who live around them as well as be mindful of such personal activities that could adversely affect their neighbours.

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