Don’t treat NiMET predictions with levity – HYPPADEC MD




Managing Director of Hydro-Electric Power Producing Areas Development Commission (HYPPADEC), Alhaji Abubakar Sadiq Yelwa has warned riverine communities and a stakeholder’s authorities not to treat Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NiMET) predictions with levity.
Yelwa issued the warning at a stakeholders consultative meeting organised by HYPPADEC in Lokoja to evolve proactive measures to mitigate the likely effects.
The HYPPADEC Managing Director said that the commission could not afford to treat the NiMET prediction with levity as it was based on scientific findings and result of critical investigations on ecological issues.
He said that so far, 80 to 85 per cent of NiMET predictions in the last five years had always been accurate.
“Since we know we have this problem, I think it’s time we start talking to ourselves, mobilising and educating our communities to prepare for the possible onslaught.
“We’re trying to finalize working on our GIS Lab which will enable us generate flood vulnerability maps, flood extent maps and flood forecasts so that when we receive forecasts from NiMET, we can double check.
“We we are also having our own in-house report that we can compare and prove to you, the communities, the need for you to be proactive.”
He urged governments and communities in flood prone states to take proactive measures to mitigate the likely effects of the NiMET prediction of imminent flood in 2023.
He said that as direct victims of the perennial floods, the chiefs, council chairmen and the farmers knew the negative impact of flooding and where it pinches most and should be able to proffer manageable solutions.
He urged the stakeholders to organise various community meetings in their respective areas to sensitise the people about flooding.
“These communities have been experiencing flooding year-in, year-out. So, we should not allow ourselves to be taken for granted when we know we can address these issues.
“In the early part of the year, we received NiMET prediction that there would be flooding this year. What it said is that this year’s will be worse than last year”, he said.
“Afforestation is one of the cardinal aspects of our intervention under the Operations Department and the Governing Council has approved a sizeable sum for afforestation this year.
“And it is as a result of this that we requested Local Governments to donate land for the commission to plant trees to provide necessary shed and value for the communities, but we have not received positive results from some of the Local Governments.
“We’re trying to finalize working on our GIS Lab which will enable us generate flood vulnerability maps, flood extent maps and flood forecasts.
“We are also having our own in-house report that we can compare and prove to you the communities, the need for you to be proactive.”
About the houses we approved for Ibaji, we are still processing the tender reports and I’m sure that in a week or two, we should be able to request the contractors to report to Ibaji and Mozum, Karara and Edeha village near the bridge.
The Managing Director said the Commission was prepared to intervene in communities with serious ecological and drainage issues but was hampered by resources at its disposal.
He however, pledged to partner Local Government Councils in that regard saying,
“One commitment I want to make here and now is, we are prepared to partner with any Local Government that has a budget of N50 million for the control of erosion and drainages.
“When we check the design and the bills and we are satisfied, we are prepared to finance such project by 60% but they most contribute their 40% down.
“Once they are able to do that, we are prepared to pay 60% on behalf of the commission so that our communities will feel the impact of our presence and we will also feel the impact of the partnership between the Local Government and HYPPADEC”, he said.


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