Federal Government to get more arms for National parks





Minister of Environment, Balarabe Lawal has assured that the federal government will buy more arms for effective operations of the National Park Service (NPS). The minister gave the assurance recently when he visited the National Park head office and the National Biosafety Management Agency in Abuja.

Lawal said President Bola Tinubu was very much concerned about the operations of the parks because of the spate of insecurity in the country. He disclosed that there is a collaboration with relevant agencies to rid the nation’s forest of bandits, illegal miners and the coastal areas of oil thieves.
The minister urged the National Biosafety Management Agency to be more proactive in its approaches to curb the inflow of unwanted genetically modified foods.
Lawal advised the agencies to work as a team and to be dedicated and punctual in their duties for effective discharge of their duties.
The Conservator General of the National Park Service, Dr Ibrahim Goni, urged the minister to review upwards the subventions of the Agency.

On her own part, the Director General, National Biosafety Management Agency, Dr Agnes Asagbra, solicited the minister’s help to secure a bigger office space and more training for its staff.

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