First lady empowers widows




AS part of efforts to put smiles on the faces of widows, starter package grands of N50,000 were presented to over 200 selected widows from across the 17 local government areas of Plateau State.

Our correspondent reports that the widows recently participated in a two-day training workshop on production of household items to pave the way for them to be self-reliant.

Plateau State First Lady, Barrister. Helen Mutfwang, disclosed this during the symbolic presentation of the grants at the graduation ceremony of the trainees held at the Government House, Little Rayfield, Jos.

Mutfwang thanked God for making the training a huge success and charged the benficiaries to make good use of the knowledge they acquired.

She advised the widows to always look up to God in whatever they do, urging them to resist any spirit of discouragement and never despise any little beginning in life.

The First Lady told them to step-down the training to other women in their respective localities so that more woman would become self-reliant.

She appreciated the resource persons for the knowledge imparted in the trainees and described some of the products made so far as a very encouraging beginning, urging them to sustain the tempo.

Earlier in her remarks, Plateau State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Mrs. Caroline Dafur, applauded the First Lady for her show of love and concern for the plight of widows in the state.

Dafur said because of the love that Governor Mutfwang and his wife had for widows, Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) from Mangu, Bokkos and Barkin Ladi camps also participated in the skills training workshop.

In a vote of thanks on behalf of the widows, Mrs. Grace Inuwa appreciated the First Lady for her kind gesture and described the skills acquisition as the first of its kind in the state, which was another way of giving them the fish to eat while at the same time teaching them how to catch the fish.

She promised Mrs. Mutfwang of their readiness to make proper use of all they had learnt and prayed God to bless the governor and his wife as they pilot the affairs of the state.

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