Former lawmaker drags to court for landgrabbing




A former member of the Nasarawa State House of Assembly Hon. Sulaiman Dan Iyan Gora and two others were dragged to upper area Court in new Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State for alleged land encroachment by one  Umar Salisu Danbaba, the son of late Dr. Danbaba Umar through his mother Hajiya Safiya Umar   The case which came up for hearing  on the 8, July 2020 and was adjoined to the 16, July 2020 by the presiding judge  Joseph Audu due to preliminary objection raised by the council of the defendants Barr. Sambo Vungjen .

Speaking to newsmen Umaru Salisu Danbaba claimed that he is the one who inherited the about 14 hecters of land belonging to his late father which he gave it to the family of Hon. Suleiman Daniyan of Gora town in Karshi Development Area of Nasarawa State for safe keeping but to their surprise or disappointment he betrayed the trust entrusted on him by selling part of the plot without  the consent of their family and went ahead to send part of the money realised  to his account even though there wasn’t any agreement or arrangement to that effect.

He stated that as a result of that they have no option than to consult the elders as well as the Uke traditional council in order to settle the matter amicably but all our efforts prove abortive due to the unco-operative attitude of the defendant in this case as such we have no any other option than to seek for legal redress before this court which we have the confidence that it would do justice to us.

When asked what was his intention at the moment he said,” We want the court and other relevant authorities to tell Hon. Suleiman Iyan Gora along side his other people to stay away from our land.

Council to the defendants Barr. Sambo said,” Yes,it is a direct criminal compliant by jury in nature brought in by the complainant and we are been served with by the processes. We conceived an objection to the competent of the objection and by the rules of practice we are allow to raise it orally or written. Right now I indicated to the court that I intend to raise the objection and the court directed that it should be filled formally. So, that we can put the other party on notice. Actually it is a matter that has to do with a property somewhere in Gora town, which is been contended between the defendants and the complainant” he explained

On his part Council to the complainant Barr. Iliya Haruna said,”  The background of the case is that the complienant  had possession of the plot since 2001. Her husband bought the land in 1986. So, they have been in the possession all along up till a few weeks ago that the first defendant who happened to be a former member of the Nasarawa State House of Assembly Hon. Sulieman Daniyan Gora town encroached into it. The defendants are claiming ownership of the said plot which they are trespassing into. So, the complienant brought them to court on a criminal allegations. One of the allegations is extortion. They extorted some money from her and that is the reason why this case most go on”  he stated

When asked whether he could advise the the two parties involved to sattle outside the court,Barr. Haruna said,” Sattlement outside Court is part of our system, part of our Justice system and there’s no lawyer or litigant that should go out of it. So, no case is beyond Sattlement outside Court, even high profile criminal cases where a defendant can even entire a plea bargain not to talk of a case where my client only entrusted their plot to the family of DanIyan Gora town”.

He then advised people to be  honest and fear God Almighty to always stay away from properties that are not theirs or else the wrath of God shall consumed such people admonishing people to always search their conscience and do the right things for the betterment of all.

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