Fulani youths charged to be self-reliant




Professor Abubakar Abba Tahir has called on Fulani youths to ensure that they are fully engaged in useful ventures in order to become self-reliant and purposeful.

He made the call during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Fulbe Development and Cultural Organisation (FUDCO) held in Bauchi recently. He further urged the Fulani youths to disassociate themselves from all forms of criminalities to enable them have a better future and acceptance from the general public.

Professor Abubakar Abba Tahir, as Chairman of the AGM, lamented that the Fulani community have been left behind in terms of development, hence the need for them to refocus towards meeting the global challenges.

The guest speaker at the meeting, Ambassador Hassan Jika Ardo, informed the gathering that statistics show that almost sixty to eighty million population of Fulani community in African countries are facing numerous challenges of insecurity among others.

He also urged parents among the Fulanis to encourage their wards to seek for both Islamic and moderrn knowledge and support the move that would enhance the lives of Fulani communities.

In his remarks at the virtual AGM meeting, the National Chairman of Fulbe Development and Cultural Organization, Alhaji Salim Sadu Nana, explained that the organisation has fully trained youths in various skill acquisitions, offered scholarships and humanitarian services to the younger ones.

While enumerating some of the challenges confronting the organization, the chairman called on all chapters to always collaborate with the national body to actualize the set goals.

On his part, the Bauchi State Chapter Chairman of FUDECO, Engr, A.U Sambo noted that the organization is into creation of awareness to its members at the grassroots on national issues, among other services that would impact positively on the lives of Fulani

He gave the assurance that they will do everything humanly possible to regain their good name and image that was bastardized by some few amongst them.



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