Gombe to enjoy 4G transmission capacity




MORE investment opportunities have started flowing into Gombe State as Galaxy Backbone is set to launch a 4G capacity transmission in the State in less than two weeks, precisely THE 25 of Octomber 2023.

This may be seen as  fallout of the just concluded maiden edition of Gombe State Investments Summit held from 12th to 14th October, 2022 at the International Conference Centre, Gombe, Gombe State.

Group Head, Regional Offices for Galaxy Backbone, Abdulmalik Suleiman, told journalists shortly before the close of the three day event that all arrangement have been concluded to commence operations in their northeast regional office in Gombe.

According to him, “when services commence from 25th Oct, 2022, Gombe will have additional 4G transmission capacity. We are also preparing metro fibre to other areas of need”.

Galaxy Backbone, a Federal Government fully owned ICT company, was among many others that participated in the maiden edition of Gombe State Investment Summit where it showcased its products and services.

Mr. Abdulmalik also said, with Gombe State rated as number one in the ease of doing business, ” we are working with the State Government to compliment its efforts already achieved by having ICT facilities in such a way that technology can continue to be used to curb criminality.

“Gombe safe city is one and God’s willing, before the end of the year, we should be able to complete it”, he revealed.

He described the summit as a step in the right direction, stressing that “because of the nature of Gombe and the hospitality of the people, there is no reason why Gombe should not be an investment hub”.

“What this has done, even by attendance, it has opened our eyes to a lot of possibilities that we never knew before and I see it getting better”, he emphasize

He however pointed out that there was need for improvement in all spheres “There should be more use of technology to aid investments. Security is good but it could be better. That is why the collaboration with stakeholders, especially in the State administration, is ensuring that the safe city project is a success”.

Galaxy Backbone provides services to private and public sectors in the area of connectivity, enabling the public to have internet, data service centre among others.


…assures investors of safety

INVESTORS that attended the opening ceremony of the maiden edition of the Gombe State Investment Summit have been assured of their safety by Governor Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya.

He stated while declaring the summit open that his administration has accorded great priority to security of lives and property.

He said the efforts of the Government has been recognised by the recent rating of Gombe as the safest state in the North-east by the Nigeria Security Tracker as well as the major security agencies.

With the theme, “Industrialization: the Pathway to Innovation, Transformation and Development of Gombe” Governor Inuwa said, in addition to its numerous empowerment programmes for SMEs, “we are partnering with local and international stakeholders to provide cheap and affordable financing for our entrepreneurs”.

According to him, “Gombe has remained remarkably peaceful in spite the Boko Haram insurgency and other security challenges bedeviling our subregion.

“Let me further assure you that your investment and personnel are safe in Gombe”, he stressed

Speaking further on how his administration is working on creating a conducive environment for investors Governor Inuwa said,”we are investing strongly in energy infrastructure in order to put Gombe on strong industrial foundation.

“In addition to the 40MW Dadin Kowa hydroelectric power plant, we are also working on a 250MW solar power plant in partnership with the Niger Delta Power Holding Company, and another 100MW power plant under the Northern States Governors Forum renewable energy initiative”, he assured.

With many open doors for investment in the Muhammad Buhari Industrial Park, Dadin Kowa, Cham and Balanga dams, Mega Motor Park, technology driven innovative solutions among many others, Governor Inuwa concluded that, “It is expected to help consolidate Gombe’s position as the industrial hub of the North-east subregion”.

In her remarks, the Special Adviser to the President on the Ease of Doing Business, Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, praised the innovations and determination of the Inuwa Yahaya administration which resulted in the State earning the number one spot in the ease of doing business.

She said, Gombe earned the spot not because of geographical location or any other consideration, but by what is being done, strong leadership and cohesion in managerial circle which brought positive results.

Earlier in his welcoming address, chairman of the steering committee of the Gombe State Investment Summit and Deputy Governor, Manasseh Daniel Jatau, said the success of the summit was highly associated with the desire of the state to develop ( improved standard of living) quite beyond mere economic growth, which is what the nation seems to have witnessed since independence.

He said, the State Government had considered it apt and necessary to organize the Gombe Investment Summit to showcase and highlight all the potentials and opportunities that abound to investors and convince them to come and invest.

He appealed to the Federal Government, Investors and all Stakeholders to,” dip your buckets where you are” to ensure the success of this Summit, that is very crucial for the progressive change in the lives of residents in Gombe, the North East Geopolitical Zone and by implication our dear country Nigeria”.

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