Gov Mutfwang commissions buses with modern technology




PLATEAU State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang yesterday commissioned 20 Sienna Buses for Jos to Abuja route equipped with state-of-the-art tracking system and a Mobile Booking App.

This represents a critical step forward in his relentless pursuit of a robust and improved transport network in the state.

The modern technology will also ensure passenger safety, and providing real-time monitoring of their locations which would provide reliable and comfortable transportation options for commuters traveling between Jos and Abuja contributing to increased mobility and economic activities in both cities.

Represented by the state deputy governor, Mrs Josephine Piyo, the governor said:”This Rebirth Project reflects our government ‘s recognition of the importance of modernizing and improving transportation infrastructure in Plateau State, This serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts between the government and private sector to address transportation challenges and drive progress. It also highlights our commitment to supporting initiatives that promote economic growth,job creation, and improved quality of life for our people,” he noted.

The establishment of Plateau Express Logistics,a subsidiary of Plateau Express Services, according to the governor, underscores his administration’s commitment to providing efficient and effective logistics solutions. The advanced tracking systems for the fleet of vehicles, and the logistics arm he added, will employ cutting- edge technology to optimize route planning, minimize delivery times, and ensure the secure and timely transaction of goods.

He implored the people of Plateau State to seize the opportunity and make good use of the buses designed to enhance passenger safety and security.

Group Managing Director, Plateau Express Services Limited, Samuel Gwot announced to the delight of the passengers that the restructuring and rebranding efforts have began to yield tangible results.

Disclosing that they have upgraded their services and passengers now have two options to travel-with the Gida- GIDA Express that goes for 5000 Naira. These 25 seater buse will move from Abuja to Jos every 12. noon every day while the second option is the Air condtionToyota Sienna bus which will operate between 6:am and 4:pm for 9000 respectively.

He said operating independently as a limited Liability Company has positioned them to  be innovative and entrepreneural.The opened five revenue channels approved by the governor and were currently being registered included: Plateau Riders Services Ltd, Tin City Metro Services Ltd, Plateau Express Learning Road, and Plateau Express Automobile Ltd.

The GMD disclosed that the Jos- Abuja route has been changed from Gidan Waya axis to Akwanga .

In a remark, Speaker, Plateau State, House of Assembly, Gabriel Dewan commended governor Mutfwang for giving youths and women the opportunity to serve in his government noting that they have been the ones neglected by successive administrations.

He said as legislators, they will help legislate to give them more legal backing in whatever decision they will take in rebranding the organization.

Commissioner of Transport, Davou Jatau said what is happening on the Plateau is a testament to the fact that there’s leadership in place noting that the governor came at a time when transportation was in dire need and called for more attention to be given to the ministry. Jatau said the railway services will commence as soon as grey areas are sorted out with the NRC.

Also in their good-will messages, General Manager, Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB), Architect Hart Bankat and his Plateau Environmental  Protection and Sanitation Agency, PEPSA, counterpart, Samuel Daya assured of their commitment to ensuring a cleaner environment and warned operators of illegal motor parks to desist forthwith as the law will soon catch up with them noting that  street traders especially in terminus, Gada- Biu and Faring Gada have been cleared following the Executive Order given by the governor.

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