Governor –elect charges lawmakers




The Plateau State governor-elect, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang has urged the federal and state lawmakers representing the state to ensure good governance by leaving lasting legacies in the heart of the people thereby setting up an inclusive administration with a clear vision of developing the entire state.

Mufwang gave the charge when some lawmakers representing federal and state constituencies paid him a courtesy visit on Wednesday in Jos.

“I sincerely want to thank you individually and collectively because if you were not fighters, we will not be here today. You fought a good fight. I am proud that I could count on any of you in your locations. Today, what we are celebrating is a collective effort. We have an opportunity to make history, Barr Mutfwang said.

Speaking at the event, Hon. Simon Mwadkwon said that we came here to show you appreciation, to show you that we are with you.

“We are here to show you our support and also let you know that we are with you, and we will give you the adequate support that you need as members of the National Assembly and the state Assembly.”

“Be rest assured that we are together, and we want to believe strongly there is going to be strictly team work so that Plateau State can succeed, so that Plateau State can progress. Thank God that he has brought us at this very important time in the history of Plateau State. We want to assure you that we are going to put in our best, but we will need your advice as well as we will also advise you on how Plateau will move.”

“Plateau has gone through a lot.  It’s time for healing and time for a new era. Plateau is for all of us irrespective of your religious and cultural differences. You have told us how you are going to have an inclusive government,” he said.

On his part, member Representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency, Peter I Gyengdeng congratulated the Governor-elect, Barr Caleb Mutfwang for his victory at the guber poll.

He thanked God for the mandate and prayed for the governor for wisdom to pilot the affairs of the state and to change the extant negative narratives.

Also speaking, Hon. Beni Lar, representing Langtang North and South Federal Constituency expressed delight, saying the people of Plateau have spoken by electing Barr Mutfwang to rule them.

She stated that the role of the legislators is to give the governor- elect all necessary support that he needs to succeed.

“Without the legislature, the executive will not succeed,” Hon. Beni Kar stated.


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