I’ll improve working conditions of traditional rulers




Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State, has made it public that he will improve the working conditions of all district and village heads in the state.

He said what informed his decision to review the salary and allowances of all traditional rulers in the Emirate Councils was to encourage them to keep their eyes off the delicacies from bandits intending to lure or make them compromise.

Bala assured that as a royal son, his administration would make sure that traditional institutions have befitting accommodation and transportation allowances.

Governor Bala Mohammed, broke the news recently when he received the Bauchi State Council of Traditional Rulers at the Council Chamber of Government House, Bauchi.

He expressed concern that several cases of kidnapping have been recorded in some parts of the state in recent times. Adding that the development affected peasant farmers and discouraged them from going to farm.

Mohammed said: “You have been managing our limitations and inadequacies as a government to provide for you, and, that is why when we came, we were building from where our predecessors have left off in terms of making sure that you have befitting accommodation, good transportation, and good remuneration.

“I understand that some of the benefits that should come to you as per law, we were not doing it as a state, that is in terms of the sharing formula of the percentage of what is going to the local governments to you,” he said.

The governor added: “It was not just done deliberately by us, we inherited it and we continued with it. We didn’t know until my eyes opened and I saw that you were being cheated.

“Therefore, you need a lot of resources to be able to keep them in the form and content of royalty that is expected of them. The royalty that is supposed to be exuded by them must be maintained by you and because you have been doing it over the years

“So, I assure you that the sharing formula has been corrected and it will continue that way. We will also look at the salary structure of the District Heads and the Village Heads so that we can make it better for them to discharge their royal duties.

“This is to keep their eyes off the goodies of the bandits and other unwholesome elements that are coming to lure them to make them compromise.”

Earlier speaking on behalf of the delegation, the Emir of Katagum, Alhaji Umar Farouq II, applauded Mohammed’s foresight and commitment to reviving the glory of traditional rulers and institutions.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration between the institutions and stakeholders for the enhancement of Nigeria’s security and providing succour to the citizenry.

While praying and commending the governor for the milestone development across the six Emirates in the state by his administration, Umar Farouq assured the governor of their total support and loyalty.


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