Irigwe community honours GOC for peace initive



From Dorcas Pankyes, Abujas

THE Irigwe Chiefdom in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State has honoured the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army (NA) and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Major General Ibrahim Ali for his selfless service and untiring efforts that have brought peace on the Plateau. Major Ishaku Takwa, Acting Director Army Public Relations 3 Division disclosed this to news men in Abuja recently.

The statement said the award was given by the leadership of the socio-cultural group, the Irigwe Development Association (IDA), during the annual Irigwe cultural day celebration, the Otu Rigwe 2022 held in Jos.

Speaking before the award presentation, the Chairman IDA, Prince Robert Ashi Dodo said the award was to appreciate the GOC/Commander OPSH and his troops for their immense contributions to the restoration of peace, unity and harmony among diverse communities in the state. He revealed that the activities of the OPSH had drastically ended the incessant attacks and criminalities carried out on innocent citizens. He noted that the wrong impression the people of Irigwe had had about Major General Ibrahim Ali has been eroded by his pragmatic leadership style and uncommon peace initiative.

Prince Dodo noted the remarkable commitment of the GOC/Commander OPSH to unite the diverse ethnic groups leading to peaceful coexistence now enjoyed by all, adding that the award was necessary to celebrate the icon of peace and development in Irigwe Chiefdom and indeed Plateau State.

Prince Dodo further commended the GOC/Commander OPSH for providing relief materials and approving solar borehole to victims of attacks.

Receiving the honour, the GOC and Commander OPSH, Major General Ibrahim Ali reiterated his commitment to discharging his duties professionally and in compliance with his oath of allegiance. He resonated his stance and leadership style of equality, justice and fairness for all devoid of any primordial sentiments.

The event which was graced by the Executive Governor Plateau State, His Excellency Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong, was chaired by the former Chief of Defence Staff, General Luther Martin Agwai  (retired) and attended by members of the National and state House of Assembly, traditional rulers as well as heads of security agencies and religious leaders.

Highlight of the event were the display by diverse Irigwe cultural troupes and fund raising to support displaced communities in Irigwe chiefdom.

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