Kaduna, charting direction for peaceful, prosperous state – Sani



From JOHN FWAH, Kaduna

Governor Uba Sani says Kaduna State Government is charting a new direction that would lead to a safe, peaceful, and prosperous Kaduna State.

Uba Sani who said this recently, added that he promised to run an all-inclusive government that would allay the fear of being marginalised by some individuals and groups in the state.

He stated this at a one-day reflection meeting on Kaduna’s direction on peace-building organised by the Kaduna Peace Commission in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He gave the assurance of charting a new direction that would lead to a safe, peaceful, and prosperous Kaduna State.

Uba Sani noted that the state has had its fair share of ethnic and religious conflicts, the intensity of which has drastically reduced while fear of escalation due to tussles for land remains strong.

“Apart from ethnic and religious tensions, we now face the destabilising activities of bandits, terrorists, kidnappers, armed robbers, and other criminal elements”, he said.

He said the State Government has been working closely with Federal Security Forces to degrade the criminal elements and make Karuna communities safe for living and business as the battle has been taken to the criminals’ abode.

“As your Chief Servant, I am deeply worried by the ethnic and religious divisions in Kaduna State. I am the Governor of a state where all government actions or inaction are viewed from the lenses of religion and ethnicity.

“I manage a state where emotions run high at the slightest provocation or perception of injustice. We are captives of our past. A past marked by incessant conflicts, bloodletting, hate, and distrust.

“But we must break loose from our unpleasant past. We must collectively free ourselves from the grip of conflict merchants and agents of retrogression. We must change the narrative and bring development and progress into the discourse.

The starting point is for us to recognise the fact that our state is diverse, with its complexities and possibilities. We must harness our diversity and turn it into an asset.

“If Rwanda, which experienced ethnic cleansing that shocked the world, can become an “oasis” of peace and ethnic harmony, we have no excuse to remain captives of our past. We can replicate the Rwandan Example in Kaduna State”, he said.

“We are however determined to ensure that there is even development in our dear state. Wherever you come from or wherever you reside, be assured that development will reach you. You will feel the impact of the government.

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