Kogi is safe, disregard false claims.–Kogi CP




The Kogi State Police Commissioner, CP Bethrand Onuoha has said that Kogi State is safe as he urged the people to disregard false claims of a social media report

In a statement issued recently by the Command’s Public Relations Officer, SP William Aya, the Command said people should disregard fake and misleading report trending against Kogi State’s security

The Commissioner of Police noted that the Command is committed to ensuring the safety of lives and property in the state.

The statement read as follows: “Our attention of the Nigeria Police, Kogi State Police Command has been drawn to a very mischievous and misleading report making the rounds on social media to the effect that, “Kogi State is hot for now. For those visiting Kogi State to see family and friends, please avoid this areas; Jimgbe, Elete, Emoro, Geregu, down to Ajaokuta”.

It went further to say, “These Fulani people are really causing problems. The local vigilantes are engaging them seriously. From Itobe down to Idah, Ayingba is safe for now. For those coming from Lagos, please avoid Obajana old Dangote road. Even if you are stuck in traffic due to the new bridge construction, please avoid the old Dangote road, it’s very dangerous. Have a wonderful evening and stay safe. ”

In response to that, “The Command wishes to state categorically and unequivocally that the report is not only the figment of the imagination of the author, but totally fake, misleading and highly pretentious, mischievous and preposterous. The report is a deliberate distortion of facts and twisting of narratives in order to sway public perception against the prevailing peaceful atmosphere the state is currently enjoying. This report is the handiwork of mischievous elements and agents provocateurs who are bent on giving the state a bad name for reasons known to them.

The Commissioner of Police therefore enjoins the general public and the good people of Kogi State to discountenance and disregard such misguided and mischievous distortion of information and false claims which do not in any way reflect the true security situation in Kogi State.

He further urges the media, particularly social media handlers to always verify facts of incidents from the police to ascertain their veracity before publishing their stories to guard against misinforming the general public.

To this end, the Commissioner of Police, urges all law abiding citizens of the state and innocent travelers to go about their lawful businesses and endeavors, while the renewed commitment and steadfastness of the Command to guarantee protection of lives and property in the state remains unwavering.

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