Lalong inaugurates population census committee




Plateau State Governor, Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong, CON, through the Secretary to the government of the state, Professor Danladi Abok Atu last week inaugurated a high powered committee for 2023 Population and Housing Census at the Old Government House, Rayfield Jos.

The state standing committee says, Census Exercise would help re-validate population figures in Plateau State and the country at large.

The governor, while inaugurating the committee being represented by the SGS said that the activities for 2023 Population and Housing Census are scheduled to hold from the 3rd to 5th of May nationwide.

Welcoming the Federal Commissioner, National Population Commission Plateau State, Hon. Cecilia Dapoet and her team to the seat of government, disclosed that the census is a welcomed development and will assist state and federal government have an update and accurate register on its database which will help government in execution of programmes and policies.

The governor disclosed that due to the esteem importance the state has placed on the 2023 census exercise, the members of the committee are drawn from the State Executive Council and directed to ensure the success of the exercise. They assured the commission of a hitch-free census in Plateau.

Terms of reference include the following: To assist in the conduct of the 2023 population and housing exercise.

To support the aspect of the creation of awareness on population activities in the state.

Making sure that Local Government Councils in the state support population activities in their respective council areas.

To augment the logistics needs of the commission in areas of  office accommodation, provision of motorcycles, attending to any other matter relating to population activities and survey.

Ensuring the mop-up of about two million unregistered children in the state and enable data to be included in the national population statistics.

To upgrade the routine registration of births and deaths in the Plateau.

The high powered committee is to be chaired by the SGS, Professor Danladi Abok Atu, Commissioners of Finance, Planning, Health, Education, Information, Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs who are to serve as members with Head of Technical NPC, Head of Vital Registration, Head of Public Affairs and the Secretary of the committee is the State Director.

Making her remarks earlier, the Federal Commissioner for Plateau State, Hon. Cecilia Dapoet said that the NPC has confidence in the Plateau State Government under the able leadership of Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong, CON  and will provide the needed political will and support to the committee to achieved its mandate.

When all is said and done, Plateau State would be rescued from the lowly position it now stands on the population ranking according to states. And the census will bring out the true population profile, according to the federal commissioner. She said “I believe it will help the state better by drawing attention to it in terms of Federal Allocation, constituency delineation, social service delivery and overall development as the case maybe. 

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