Male students protest government’s school separation policy



THE new education policy introduced by Bauchi State government separating male and female students in secondary schools has generated serious concern by the  male secondary school students on Monday where they protested against the new education system that came from the Ministry of Education.

The students who came out from most of the secondary schools within the Bauchi metropolis disrupted commercial activities as they marched along major streets to the Emir’s Palace and the headquarters of the Ministry of Education to express their disagreement.

The students carried placards with various inscriptions against the new education system which they strongly condemned stating that it is retrogressive to education in the 21 century.

Some of them who spoke to journalists said that the new policy will make  students lag behind in the area of social interaction as well as portray them as in in mature people.

The protesting students also berated the Education Ministry for not carrying them along while taking the decision, stressing that as stakeholders they too have a say in making decisions that affect them.

The students therefore appealed to the State Government under the listening people’s Governor, Sen Bala Mohammed to look into the development and rescind the decision and revert to the old co-educational system which they said is promoting social interaction.

Recall that the State Commissioner for Education, Dr Aliyu Usman Tilde announced that the state government had taken the decision to separate male and female students in all secondary schools in the state.

While addressing journalists after a State Executive Council (SEC) meeting held at the Government House recently, he noted that it would only be executed whenever and wherever it was possible.

Just last week, the ministry published the names of male and female students in secondary schools across the state before the government of academic activities for the 2022/2023 session on Monday, 26th September 2022.

Also the commissioner said that private schools too have been advised to look into the possibility of separating the male from the female students, though the private school owners are yet to respond to the advise.


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