Monarch admonishes citizens to seek divine guidance 




FOR Nigeria to get out of the present socio-economic and security challenges, citizens must endeavour to build a closer relationship with their creator and fellow human beings so as to attract the necessary divine guidance and interventions.

The Emir of Lafia and Chairman of the Nasarawa State Council of Chiefs Justice Sidi Bage Mohammad (rtd) made the assertion while speaking with the Radio-France International Hausa Service monitored in Keffi during the weekend.

The Traditional ruler who attributed the present trials and tribulations Nigerians are going through to their own handwork of disobeying the commandments of God their creator through the rampant indulgement in all sorts of sinful acts, corruption among others, stated that unless the people turn-over a new leaf the trials would continue to bite harder.

He frowned at the ways and manner in which the society of today, people celebrate and even glorify corrupt people instead of honest and hardworking people.

The retired jurist of the apex court of the land therefore tasked Nigerians to turn over to a new leaf by doing the right thing in all their endeavours so as to enable us cross over the trials we are going through successfully.

He stated that already God has stated that if the people derail from doing the right things they would be made to face the consequences of their misdeeds through trials upon trials and the best ways out is for the people to change for the better.

On the issue of security challenges, the Emir tasked Nigerians to contribute their quota in assisting the government to tackle the security challenges facing the country especially that security is everybody’s business and responsibility.

Justice Bage who was full of praise to President Muhammadu Buhari for his effort in tackling the socio-economic, security and all other challenges facing the country and solicited for the support and co-operation of Nigerians to enable him succeed in the task ahead.

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