Mutfwang commiserates with clergy’s family, Dariye



P 12 Weds 07/02/24

BY PETER TITLE. 5/2/2024

Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang has commiserated with the families of Reverend. Dr. Musa Gotom, former President, Church Of Christ In Nations (COCIN), who died recently and Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye, the former Governor of the state over the demise of his mother, Kaka Saratu Dariye who also went to be with the Lord recently.

Mutfwang who was at their residences at Rahol Kanang, TCNN, Jos South Local Government Area to register his condolences with his state executive members said Rev.Dr.Gotom would be greatly missed by the Church and the students of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, (TCNN), whom he had taught and mentored until his death.

According to him, death cannot cease to bring sorrow but as children of God and as believers of Jesus Christ, there is the hope that there is resurrection and it is inevitable.

Governor Mutfwang said, Rev.Dr. Gotom was privileged to serve humanity and thanked God for the life the deceased lived even after retirement, stressing that he was a leader you can run to anytime and anywhere for advice.

Responding on behalf of the family, Nde Lazarus Bewarang thanked the governor for finding time despite his tied schedule to condole with the Gotom family.

According to him, the former COCIN President lived a fulfilled life and impacted many lives. He pointed out that through several Jesus’s films translated in Ngas language, many received Christ as their personal savior.

Nde Bewarang further said the deceased served as General Secretary before rising to the position of President of Church. He died at the age of 83 years and will be buried on the 13th February, 2024.

Earlier at the Residence of Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye, Governor Mutfwang urged the Dariye family to see death as inevitable that every soul must test.

He said that their late mother would be remembered for bringing up her children in a Christian way and was proud that the children never disappointed her. That was why they were giving back to society.

Mutfwang agreed that it was a trying moment for the family and prayed God to fill the vacuum left and to comfort the family.

Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye, the former Governor of Plateau State while responding on behalf of the family, said his mother died a fulfilled woman believing that she was resting with the Lord.

While thanking the Governor for the condolence visit, he said he would not have been happy if death occurred during his travails.

Dariye advised Governor Mutfwang to break the jinx that existed by providing dividends of democracy to the teeming populace as seen and was evident everywhere in the state.

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