NDE empowers graduates of School-on-Wheels




The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has embarked on settlement of no fewer than 10 beneficiaries of its School-On-Wheels vocational training in Kogi State with operational tools to commence their various trades with ease.

The settlement scheme began with the distribution of basic equipment as starter packs to the beneficiaries who have undergone vocational training in hair dressing, electrical installation, fashion and design as well as carpentry and plumbing.

The Director General of the National Directorate of Employment, Mallam Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo who was represented by the Kogi State Coordinator, Mallam Abubakar Zakari, during the distribution ceremony held in Lokoja recently, said that the gesture is targeted at tackling the menace of unemployment in Nigeria.

“The scheme which is under the Vocational Skills Department is part of the federal government’s efforts to lift over 100 million Nigerians out of poverty” the DG said

The facilitator of the resettlement scheme from NDE headquarters, Abuja, Hajia Jamila Suleiman in her goodwill message, charged the beneficiaries to make good use of the equipment provided them to boost their vocations.

She also reminded them that they are expected to be employers of labour which will serve as a multiplier effect within their immediate society.

In her welcome address, the Head of Vocational Skills Department, Mrs Lydia Opaluwa admonished the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the equipment for the purpose intended.

Responding on behalf of the beneficiaries, Debola Kehinde said that the equipments will not only add to the growth of their businesses but will also enable them to contribute their quota towards the development of Nigeria.

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