


The Nigerian Army, (NA), has again refuted alleged claims by international media, Reuters that it carried out mass abortion, massacre of children as well as other allegations of sexual and gender-based violence against women and children during its counter insurgency operations in the North East.

This is as the international news agency, Reuters, has again released another report of alleged human rights violation by Nigeria Military in their counter insurgency operations in the North East.

A Senior Human Rights Adviser to the Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Commission, (NHRC), Hillary Ogbonna, who doubles as the Secretary, Special Independent Investigative Panel on Human Rights Violations in the Counter Insurgency Operations in the North East, (SIIP:NE), stated this in Abuja Monday during a sitting of the investigative panel.

According to the panel, the report which was the follow up to the first reports released by Reuters last year December was released on the 19th of April and was named, ‘Abortion Assault two.

Mr. Hillary explained that the report highlighted how Reuters arrived at their publications and the allegations against the Nigeria Military in their counter insurgency operations in the North East.

He said, “According to the report, forty soldiers, most of whom were officers, were interviewed by Reuters in the course of the reports.”

“December last year, Reuters published reports alleging abortion of ten thousand pregnancies, infanticide and other forms of sexual and gender based violence by the Nigeria Military but the military has since denied the allegations saying it was a deliberate attempt to rubbish the counter insurgency operation.”

Meanwhile the Panel in the course of investigations so far has taken testimonies from eighty-four witnesses.

The Nigerian Army, however, debunked Reuters allegations on victims of Boko Haram in the Noth-East.

While testifying before the panel, the Force Commander, United Nations mission to South-Sudan, Major General Benjamin Sawyer urged the investigative panel to do everything within its power to unravel the matter; saying the military has a key goal of combating insurgency and restoring peace in the troubled region. It therefore could not have embarked on secret acts alleged in the Reuters report.

“What they have written is completely false, misleading and degrading to the image of Nigerians and the Nigerian Army despite what the military has done to restore normalcy in restive regions.”

Also testifying, Retired Major General James Komolafe, former Commander, 21 Brigade, North East, described the Reuters report as deliberate falsehood circulated to rubbish the integrity of the military.

He added that the military was law abiding and no military medical facility will subject itself to such illicit medical practice.

The panel, chaired by a retired Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Abdul-Aboki, is officially known as Special Independent Investigative Panel on Human Rights Violations in the Implementation of Counter Insurgency Operations in the North East.

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