Northern CSO’s warn Tinubu of country’s imminent collapse




The coalition of Civil Society Organisations in Northern Nigeria has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to act fast in addressing the country’s socio economic and political challenges to prevent the country from going under.

The coalition while addressing the press over the weekend, particularly expressed concern over what it described as ‘looming danger to truncate Nigeria’s democracy over the conspicuous fixation to snatch the mandate of the electorate in Kano, Zamfara and Plateau States’.

It also expressed serious concern over the increasing spate of insecurity in some states of the North, increasing economic hardship on the citizens, reckless borrowings and budget provisions in the 2024 appropriation as well as the need for quick measures before the country goes under.

Chairman of the coalition who doubles up as the Chairman of Kano State Civil Society Forum (KCSF), Ibrahim Waiya, alongside the Secretary, Ibrahim Yusuf, said the coalition works under a common platform, aimed at achieving sustainable socio economic and political development in governance and wellness of Nigerians.

He said, after participating actively in the election processes from the beginning to the end in their various states, members of the coalition are therefore concerned about the level Nigeria is declining to in its democracy.

Waiya said, “Several elections have been conducted at both state and national levels with contestation being the order of the day. This was asserted by credible institutions and individuals as in the case of Imo, Kano, Zamfara, Plateau and even at the presidential elections.

“It is a known fact that the strongest pillar of democracy is the people, which recent elections have shown to have suppressed their voices. A democratic society respects the voices of the people by recognising their wishes”, he asserted.

On the issue of the economic hardship and poverty, the coalition pointed out that “Before this administration came into power, there were already 130 million Nigerians living in multi – dimensional poverty”

It said “This terrifying revelation should be seen and considered as a national emergency, considering the enormous dangers the ugly development entails, which is practically a national security risk.

“Similarly, another additional 30 million Nigerians have so far fallen into the trap of a multi-dimensional poverty, since the beginning of the present administration. Therefore, igniting any potentially motivated political conflict in any part of the country, especially in some opposition states of the North. It is an open invitation to the destruction of our dear country which we must collectively work to avert”, it warned.

It also drew the attention of the president on increasing insecurity. He said, “Although it has not been long since the appointment of the new service chiefs in the country and huge investment in the security sector, citizens’ expectations are that by now, insecurity of lives and properties should have been brought to the barest minimum level”

The coalition stated however that the continuous killings of people, child trafficking, banditry, displacement of communities, kidnappings, especially in some states of the North, such as: Katsina, Plateau, Sokoto, Niger, Kaduna and Zamfara states, re-surfacing of the insurgency in the North East, is so unprecedented.

“The dimension at which the security for lives and properties of the Nigerian citizens, which is fast declining, puts citizens into more fear, hopelessness and uncertainties”, it decried.

It also expressed deep concern over the current state of the judiciary saying, “the conflicting judgements being issued by various courts of the same jurisdiction, have created a sense of confusion and frustration among the citizens. Unfortunately, this has led to a loss of trust and confidence in the judiciary.

“The integrity and effectiveness of our legal system are essential for maintaining public trust and upholding the rule of law. We believe that the Judicial Service Commission has the responsibility and authority to make the necessary reforms to restore faith in the judiciary”, the coalition stressed.

It therefore advised President Tinubu to among others, not to allow his government to be used in the manipulative scheme of interfering with judicial processes in courts, involving cases of election in opposition states to truncate the Nigerian democracy. “It is an offense that would never be forgiven by the entire democratic communities around the world and may lead to chaos, more insecurity and conflicts across the country”

“The NJC should adhere to the latter ethics and practice of their profession, in accordance with the law, as the custodian of justice and rule of rule.

“We acknowledge the efforts of some governors like Sokoto, Borno, Kaduna, Zamfara, Katsina for their resilience in curtailing the insecurities in their states. However, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, must hold himself and the security agencies accountable, for the ongoing insecurity in the country, and should develop key performance indicators (KPI) of not more than 6 months, for the security agencies to be assessed for accountability.

“We urge the National Security Adviser to coordinate the synergy between the Service Chiefs for optimal combating of insecurities.

The president should, with immediate effect, convey a national economic summit for citizens to identify, deliberate and proffer solutions to the Nigerian economic situation.

“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, must look inward to raise funds for governance businesses other than borrowings, by squeezing the past and present public officials with corruption allegations to recover the looted funds belonging to Nigerians.

“The conference is appealing to the Judicial Service Commission to take swift action to thoroughly investigate the root causes of the conflicting judgements”, the coalition advised.


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