One year after: Transforming the health sector



Governor Mutfwang score card on health


IN the annals of Plateau State, Monday, May 29, 2023, stands as a pivotal moment marked by the ascension of Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang to the esteemed position of governor. With his inauguration, a new dawn of governance illuminated the horizon, promising a revitalized era of leadership and renewed hope for the citizens of the state.

As the first year in office unfolds under his stewardship, the winds of change sweep across the landscape, carrying with them the anticipation of transformative progress and the prospect of a brighter future for all.

In the immediate aftermath of assuming office, Governor Mutfwang swiftly turned his attention to the intricate workings of governance. Outlining a comprehensive policy agenda known as the “Seven Focal Points of The Green Cap Policy Thrust,” his administration embarked on a journey marked by strategic priorities:

  1. Good Governance and Citizen Engagement in Sustainable Development: Championing transparency, accountability, and active citizen participation to foster sustainable progress.
  2. Peace, Security, and Social Justice: Committing to the preservation of peace, promotion of security, and advancement of social justice for all residents of Plateau State.
  3. Revitalizing Agriculture and Rural Transformation: Spearheading initiatives aimed at revitalizing the agricultural sector and driving rural development.
  4. Education and Human Capital Development: Prioritizing investments in education and human capital to nurture the state’s intellectual and creative potential.
  5. Public Health, Environmental Preservation, Tourism, and Mineral Development: Ensuring the well-being of citizens through robust healthcare systems while harnessing the state’s natural resources for sustainable development and promoting tourism.
  6. Infrastructure Development and Industrialization: Undertaking ambitious projects to enhance infrastructure and stimulate industrial growth, thus bolstering economic prosperity.
  7. Taxation, Resource Mobilization, and Investment: Implementing prudent fiscal policies to optimize revenue generation, attract investments, and ensure the efficient allocation of resources for sustainable development.

Aligned with these focal points, Governor Mutfwang’s administration embarked on a mission to catalyse positive change, foster inclusive development, and usher in an era of prosperity for all Plateau State residents.

Focusing on the fifth pillar of Governor Mutfwang’s administration – public health, environmental preservation, tourism and mineral development – significant strides have been made in healthcare delivery over the past year. Under his visionary leadership, the healthcare sector is undergoing a remarkable transformation, characterized by a commitment to excellence and accessibility for all citizens.

Through strategic investments and innovative initiatives, the Mutfwang administration is bolstering healthcare infrastructure, equipping medical facilities, and enhancing the capacity of healthcare professionals. This concerted effort is not only improving the quality of healthcare services but is also expanding their reach to remote and underserved communities across Plateau State.

Moreover, the administration’s proactive approach to public health challenges is yielding commendable results in disease prevention, control, and management. Governor Mutfwang’s administration has demonstrated a steadfast dedication to safeguarding the well-being of the populace.

Furthermore, the administration’s emphasis on environmental preservation has synergistically contributed to public health efforts. By addressing environmental factors that impact health, such as pollution and sanitation, the administration has created a conducive environment for healthy living and sustainable development.

The health sector in Plateau State has long been faced with challenges ranging from inadequate infrastructure to low healthcare access and poor health outcomes. However, with the inauguration of Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang as governor, there emerged a renewed commitment to revitalize the healthcare system and prioritize the well-being of the state’s residents.

Prior to Mutfwang’s assumption of office, Plateau State’s healthcare system grappled with issues such as limited healthcare facilities, insufficient healthcare personnel, and maternal and child mortality. Key health indicators painted a concerning picture of the state’s health landscape, highlighting the urgent need for reform.

The impact of these initiatives was palpable within the first year. Maternal and child mortality rates saw a noticeable decline, and access to essential healthcare services improved significantly. While challenges persisted, such as lingering infrastructure deficits and resource constraints, the progress made underscored the effectiveness of Governor Mutfwang’s leadership in prioritizing the health sector.

The administration actively engaged with communities and stakeholders to ensure their voices were heard in shaping healthcare policies and programs. Community health workers were mobilized to deliver essential healthcare services to remote areas, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among local populations.

Partnerships with both governmental and non-governmental organizations played a crucial role in augmenting the state’s healthcare efforts. Collaborations with international agencies and donor organizations provided much-needed resources and technical expertise, enabling the implementation of innovative healthcare solutions.

Recently, the Plateau State Ministry for Health gave its scorecard, highlighting accomplishments for the period under review. The Commissioner, Dr. Cletus Bako Shurkuk, enthused that in the ever-evolving landscape of public health, the Ministry of Health has spearheaded a multitude of initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of citizens. This is being done through a holistic approach encompassing staff welfare, infrastructure development, capacity building, and strategic partnerships, through which significant strides have been made in elevating the quality and accessibility of healthcare services across the state.

One of the pivotal achievements during this period was the prioritization of staff welfare, as evidenced by the timely payment of arrears and salary enhancements for medical professionals. This not only boosted morale but also underscored the government’s commitment to recognizing and valuing the contributions of healthcare workers.

Additionally, the establishment of new healthcare facilities such as the National Orthopaedic Hospital in Jos and the Federal Medical Centre in Wase further expanded the healthcare infrastructure, ensuring broader coverage and improved access to specialized services.

Infrastructure development emerged as a cornerstone of the healthcare agenda, with significant investments directed towards renovating existing facilities and establishing modern healthcare hubs.

The renovation of units within the old Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) and the conversion of Cottage Hospital Wase into a temporary site for the Federal Medical Centre exemplify this commitment to upgrading healthcare infrastructure. Furthermore, the allocation of land for permanent sites underscores a forward-looking approach towards sustainable healthcare development.

Innovative strategies for effective healthcare delivery have been implemented, notably the introduction of the Plateau State Emergency Medical Services and Ambulance System (PLASEMSAS). This initiative, coupled with the procurement of oxygen equipment and the establishment of a modern drugs and commodities warehouse, reflects a proactive stance towards addressing emergent healthcare needs and ensuring adequate supply chains for essential medical supplies.

The issue of drugs, products and medical commodities being out of stock is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The imminent full take-off of the Plateau State Drugs and Medical Commodities Management Agency (PS-DMCMA) heralds a new era. With its services, drugs and medical commodities will be reliably accessible, primarily for all state-owned primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities in Plateau State.

Also, the soon-to-be-commissioned pharma grade warehouse of the agency, coupled with the release of take-off grant and other necessary funding promises to be the icing on the cake. This will ensure that healthcare delivery in Plateau State becomes not only accessible, but also affordable and efficient.

Strategic partnerships with international organizations and agencies have been instrumental in augmenting healthcare initiatives. Collaborative efforts with entities such as the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Global Fund, and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative have facilitated the procurement of vital resources, including insecticide-treated nets and medical assistance for vulnerable populations. These partnerships not only leverage external expertise and resources but also foster knowledge exchange and capacity-building opportunities.

The advent of “The Time is Now” administration heralded a new era of progress within the healthcare sector, marked by significant achievements across various fronts. The revitalization of health outlets, procurement of essential medical equipment, and implementation of electronic health management systems underscore a commitment to modernizing healthcare delivery and enhancing efficiency.

Moreover, initiatives such as the Plateau State Humanitarian Emergency Operation Centre demonstrate a proactive stance towards addressing emerging health challenges, ensuring a robust emergency response mechanism.

At the grassroots level, the Primary Health Care Board has been instrumental in extending essential services to communities, with a focus on maternal and child health interventions. From the installation of solar panels to ensure round-the-clock healthcare services to the distribution of therapeutic food for malnourished children, the board’s efforts have yielded tangible improvements in health outcomes at the community level. Renovation of primary healthcare facilities further underscores a commitment to enhancing access to quality healthcare services in underserved areas.

The Ministry of Health’s multifaceted approach to healthcare governance has yielded commendable outcomes, ranging from infrastructure development to innovative service delivery models. By prioritizing staff welfare, forging strategic partnerships, and embracing technological innovations, the region has witnessed a transformative shift towards a more resilient and inclusive healthcare system. As the journey towards universal health coverage continues, these achievements serve as a testament to the collective commitment towards ensuring the health and well-being of all citizens of Plateau State.

Recently, Governor Caleb Mutfwang allocated a sum of N327 million to bolster the Plateau State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (PLASCHEMA). This initiative aims to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage for vulnerable and underprivileged residents.

The current coverage stands at about 5%, and the agency aims to reach at least 90% by the year 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The agency has enrolled about 277,862 people into the scheme so far.

The governor has emphasized his administration’s commitment to prioritizing the well-being of the civil service, ensuring timely payment of salaries, providing training, and releasing overheads regularly to enhance productivity. He also approved the payment of 90% Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS) and 75% Hazard Allowance to health workers, the Joint Health Workers Union (JOHESU), and the National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) in the state.

Looking ahead, the administration remains committed to building upon the progress achieved in the first year. Plans are underway to further strengthen healthcare infrastructure, enhance healthcare delivery systems, and expand access to specialized healthcare services. The administration recognizes that sustained investment and collaboration will be essential in realizing its vision of a healthier Plateau State.

No doubt, the first year of Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang’s governorship marked a pivotal moment in the transformation of Plateau State’s health sector.

Through decisive leadership, strategic investments, and meaningful community engagement, significant strides were made towards improving health outcomes and ensuring the well-being of all residents.

While challenges remain, the foundation has been laid for a healthier and more resilient healthcare system that will serve the people of Plateau State for years to come.

To further advance the health sector’s transformation, it is recommended that the government continue to prioritize investment in healthcare infrastructure, strengthen partnerships with local and international stakeholders, and prioritize preventive healthcare measures to address underlying health determinants.

The vision of the Ministry for Health is to provide quality accessible and affordable health care services to all people living within Plateau State.

The significance of this vision lies in its commitment to addressing key healthcare challenges within Plateau State. This signals a commitment to improving the overall health and well-being of citizens, and as well suggests a focus on inclusivity, ensuring that healthcare services are available to all individuals regardless of their socio-economic status or geographic location within Plateau State.

It serves as a guiding light for healthcare planning and implementation, aiming to achieve better health outcomes and ultimately improve the quality of life for the people.

Little wonder, Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang captures it most succinctly thus: “The health sector, being of utmost importance, warrants a focused and critical approach.”



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