Plateau PFN gets new executives




THE Plateau State Chapter of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), has inaugurated its new Executives with Reverend Dunka Joseph Deschi Gomwalk as the new State Chairman to be deputised by Apostle Joseph Rims.

Also appointed were Reverend Bernard Kyengson, as Secretary and also to be assisted by Reverend Iyke Solomon, while Bishop (Mrs) Joy Okaro, and Reverend Nanmua Fale, are to serve as Treasurer and Financial Secretary respectively.

Others include: Ambassador Yemi Matthew, as the Publicity Secretary, Reverend Gloria Mokungah, as the Prayer Coordinator and the position of Welfare Officer went to Reverend (Mrs) Ann Jerry, in that order.

Also inaugurated Sunday, were the Zonal Vice Chairmen which have Bishop Dr. Ayuba Matawal, as Zonal Vice Chairman Central Zone; Reverend Jim Piomoki Stevens, Zonal Vice Chairman Northern Zone and Pastor Gopye James Cletus, as the Zonal Vice Chairman, Southern Zone respectively.

Inaugurating the newly appointed executives, the National Vice President of PFN, North Central, Prophet Dr. Isa El-Buba, commended the outgone executives led by Rev. Dr. Steven Dangana, for their doggedness, resilience, great achievements and quality leadership exhibited within the space of time in PFN Plateau State.

“Also, I will like to commend you for bringing back the main vision of PFN which is fellowship and unity in the state. You stood by me and gave me every support I ever needed from the day I was appointed as the North Central Vice President till date.

“Plateau State PFN under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Steven Dangana, is a model for the North Central Zone. I, therefore, challenge the new state executives that would be inaugurated today to build on this legacy by ensuring that you maintain the vision and leadership of our National President, His Eminence, Bishop Dr. Francis Wale Oke”, he enthused.

While administering the oath of allegiance through intercessory prayers, the National President of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), His Eminence, Bishop Dr. Francis Wale Oke, said, he was proud of Plateau State Chapter of PFN for their diligence and unity and promised to support the Church in the North.

He, however, eulogized the leadership qualities of the Northeast Central National Vice President, Prophet Dr. Is a El-Buba, and that of State Chairman, Rev. Dr. Steven Dangana, appointing the outgone State Chairman as the National Director, Northern/Southern for Strength as a link between North and South.

Responding on behalf of the newly inaugurated executives, the incoming State Chairman of PFN, Reverend Dunka Joseph Dechi Gomwalk, thanked the National President, National Advisory Council, the Zonal Vice Presidents, State Chairmen, Women executives and members for finding them worthy to serve in the next four years. “We need your support and prayers to succeed, he told them.

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