Plateau: Troops capture suspected killer of slain Ardo




The tactical team of the Special Task Force, Operation Safe Haven (OPSH), has apprehended the suspected main mastermind behind the murder of slain Ardo of Panyam, Alhaji Adamu Idris Gabdo. 

The suspect, Mr. Philip Gokas popularly called “Jaykimo” was apprehended in Lagos state, following weeks of painstaking manhunt to bring the perpetrators of the act to justice, said Media Officer, Operation Safe Haven, (OPSH) Major Ishaku Takwa, as he spoke to newsmen about the arrest, at Maxwell Khobe Cantonment, 3 Division Headquarters, Rukuba Barracks, Jos.

It will be recalled that in October 2023, Troops in Plateau State had disclosed that the remains of a Fulani leader in the Panyam district, Mangu Local Government Area of the state, Adamu Gabdo had been found, after the Ardo went missing in September 2023. 

Recall also that there were reports that the Ardo was killed. However, a few days after his disappearance, the Police said the Ardo who left Bauchi State on a visit to friends and relatives in Plateau State, was only reported missing and not killed.

Recall subsequently also that after a special operation, a statement signed by media officer of the military task force media, Captain Oya James said that following a Special Forces Tracking Operations conducted by troops of Operation Safe Haven based on credible intelligence from well-meaning locals, the troops conducted the operations in the early hours of 5th October 2023 and were able to identify and recover the remains of the body of the missing Ardo around Boi along Pankshin – Bauchi Road in Tafawa Balewa Local Government Area of Bauchi State, and handed his body over to the family for proper burial, with a promise to apprehend his killers. 

In his remarks, while parading the apprehended prime suspect in the Ardo killing to newsmen,recently, the Military spokesperson, Takwa said the success was accomplished by the OPSH Tactical Team after weeks of relentless pursuit and manhunt leading to  tracking him in the Ogba Area of Lagos where he was unwinding. 

Takwa said: “The main mastermind behind the murder of the slain Alhaji Adamu Idris Gabdo, the Ardo of Panyam in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State, has been apprehended by troops of OPSH Tactical Team. The arrest of Mr Philip Gokas also known as Jaykimo in Lagos State was following weeks of painstaking manhunt to bring the criminal to Justice”

“The relentless pursuit by OPSH led to his tracking and subsequent arrest in the Ogba area of Lagos State, where he was found enjoying himself and drinking beer at a football viewing centre”.

The Military spokesperson disclosed that Mr. Gokas has fully confessed to the crime and has provided crucial information that will aid in the arrest of additional individuals involved in this heinous act in the coming days”.

He however warned that the development should serve as a clear warning to criminals to desist from crime and realise that they cannot elude justice, as security agencies retain the capacity and resilience to utilise all elements of national power to hold them accountable as directed by the country’s Chief of Defence Staff, Gen CG Musa.

Takwa assured that the Military will continue to work tirelessly to prevent any escalation of violence and expressed OPSH’s appreciation to the public for their support and cooperation throughout the investigation. 

He added that the recovery of the body of the late Ardo of Panyam and the subsequent arrest of Mr Philip Gokas would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance and information provided by the community. 

He further reiterated that the criminal act was perpetrated by a few bad eggs in the society and that does not represent the intent of the good people of Panyam who have lived for years peacefully with their Fulani brothers. 

While answering questions from newsmen, Gokas expressed regrets for his actions. 

“I didn’t choose to commit this crime, but I was just unfortunate to be among those who have already planned for it”, he lamented. 

He narrated how the ugly incident occurred, attributing it to an action of reprisal due the anger he felt as a result of previous attacks on his village by suspected herdsmen, which he alleged had destroyed their houses and properties. 

He explained further that because of fear, and how he received calls from many people advising him to leave the town, he went to Lagos. 

“The next day, I got a call and was asked if I am among those that were at the scene yesterday I said yes. They called and said I was among the 8 names given to soldiers therefore I should leave. I left to Jos.”

“After that some of the people I know also called and said my line had been tracked so I should vacate Jos immediately”. 

“Because of fear, and how people were calling me to say my name has gone everywhere, I said there is no way I can dodge security. So, I called some of my people and left for Lagos and someone promised he will look for a job for me”. 


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