PLSG approves bill to establish gender commission




The Plateau State government has approved the bill to establish a gender commission, to facilitate the implementation of the Gender Equal Opportunity (GEO) Law in the state.


The approval was announced by the Commissioner for Justice, Chrysanthus Ahmadu, at a press conference at the end of the State Executive Council meeting on Wednesday in Jos.


He said the commission, critical as a prerequisite for the smooth implementation of the GEO law, would consolidate efforts to end inequality and discrimination against women in all spheres of life.


Commissioner for Education, Secondary, Hon. Elizabeth Wapmuk said the GEO draft bill approved by the council will go a long way in boosting the fortunes of women particularly the girl-child that needs opportunities for education, empowerment and employment.


She said, “I believe that this bill is important and if passed into law will give smiles and some sense of confidence to the women in the state”.


“It will prohibit gender discrimination socially, politically, economically. And in the bill, there is also provision for the protection of maternity status and reproductive health of women. You know what has been happening to women when they are pregnant and the kind of discrimination against them. In fact, as far back as 1974, women were not given maternity leave but with this type of proposed bill coming into law, I believe that women will smile”.


Wapmuk was optimistic that some of the socio-cultural practices against women like discrimination in political, economic and public life, and how they are given names in politics, will be minimal if the bill passes. She added that “The sky will be the limit for women”.


Briefing newsmen on other decisions taken by Council, Ahmadu disclosed that also approved was a bill to establish the Plateau State Investment Promotion Agency (PSIPA) to boost the state’s economy.


Mr Ahmadu explained that the agency would incorporate the One-stop Investment Centre and the state Public-Private Partnership Agency to improve its business environment further and attract investment.


The justice commissioner further mentioned that the council approved the Plateau State Agricultural Policy and Implementation Plan 2022-2027 and a bill to establish Rural Access Road Agency and State Road Fund.


Explaining further, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Hosea Finangwai said Plateau is among the 13 states in the country benefiting from a World Bank project to address the difficulties farmers experience in conveying their goods and services.


Finangwai disclosed that the intervention under the Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project (RAAMP3) would address the challenges essential agencies experience in transferring innovation to rural farmers for improved agricultural products and services.


According to him: “The essence of this bill is to ensure we create a mechanism for sustainability of the project by taking social amenities to the doorsteps of our farmers,”


“This is aimed at improving the economy, improving their livelihood, increasing their income, and generating revenue for the state government”, he said.


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