Police boss assures of security during monarch’s burial




Dr. Solomon Arase, retired Inspector General of Police and Chairman of the Police Service Commission, has recently received a high-powered delegation from the Kalabari Kingdom in Rivers State.

The delegation, led by Prince Tonye Princewill, son of the late King Prof. TJT Princwill, visited Dr. Arase to inform him of the passing of the revered monarch and discuss arrangements for his burial.

Accompanied by prominent individuals such as Pastor Tonye Patrick Cole, Opunabo Inko-Tariah, Chief Dr. David Briggs, and His Royal Highness, Dr. Diamond Enoch Tobrin-West, the delegation expressed their desire for Dr. Arase’s presence at the burial and requested his assistance in ensuring adequate security during the ceremony.

In response, Dr. Arase acknowledged the distinguished life led by the late king and praised his selfless service to the people of the Niger Delta. He commended the late king for his positive impact on numerous lives and expressed his commitment to providing the necessary security measures for the burial.

Dr. Arase assured the delegation that he would do the needful to ensure the ceremonies surrounding the late king’s burial would be conducted with adequate security arrangements in place.

The late King Prof. TJT Princwill, was a highly respected figure in the Kalabari Kingdom and beyond. His passing has left a void in the hearts of many. His contributions to the development and welfare of the Niger Delta region will be remembered.

As the preparations for the burial continue, the Kalabari Kingdom and its people are grateful for the support and commitment of Dr. Solomon Arase in ensuring a safe and dignified farewell for their late King.


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