Poor remuneration; setback to investigative journalism -Dr Shamsuddeen




The Head of Department of Mass Communication of Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi Dr Shamsudeen Dauda, has attributed poor remuneration as one of the factors militating against investigative journalism in the country. 

Shamsuddeeen made the assertion in an exclusive interview with THE NIGERIA STANDARD on International World Press Freedom Day, recently in Bauchi, where he said motivation is a weapon and key success to any organization. 

The senior polytechnic lecturer argued that if journalists are being paid good renumerations, they can go to any length and dig into any crucial and vital information that will give the organization a good name to stand out different among its competitors. 

According to him, most of the reporters in media organizations today don’t have any specific allowances or salary package from their employees. “What the employees give them is only Identification Card or Introduction Letters which serves as ticket for a living, with no any other options rather than to compromise in some situations.”

Dr. Shamsuddeen Dauda explained that the trend has affected the performance of many journalists to carry out effective investigative reporting which invariably crippled the journalism profession in the country. 

On the part of freedom of expression for the journalists, he said that Nigeria and Bauchi state in particular have achieved up to 65-70% access to some vital government documents by media practitioners, stressing the need for governments at all levels to allow journalists have access to their request in performing their duties.

The HOD however, enjoined the journalists to ensure they operate within the confines of the law and shun any negative report that will dent their image and their organizations. 

He commended the role of the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed and National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) for providing a level playing ground to all media outlets and ensuring that they operate within the confines of the law. 

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