PSC commends police for resisting hijack of elections




The Police Service Commission (PSC) recently has expressed its commendation for the police officers who were deployed to oversee the elections in Kogi, Imo, and Bayelsa states.

Staff monitors from the PSC reported that the officers displayed courage and effectively contained intermittent attempts to hijack the elections by miscreants.

The monitors, who were deployed to the nine senatorial districts across the three states, noted that the police officers stationed at the polling units were courteous, approachable, and professional. Despite incidents of attacks on voting units, the police managed to make several arrests, particularly in Kogi State, where there were notable cases of miscreants attempting to disrupt the electoral process.

Additionally, the police successfully contained pockets of attacks in Brass and other riverine areas of Bayelsa State. While there were reports of vote buying in the three states, the PSC confirmed that these activities were not carried out in collaboration with police officers on election duty.

During the monitoring process, the PSC observed that in the Imo West Local Government Area, police officers conducted visible patrols in collaboration with the military along major roads.

Furthermore, a police helicopter was reported to have hovered over the voting space throughout the election period in the Imo North and East districts.

In Bayelsa, police officers arrived early at most voting units, dressed appropriately, and demonstrated a high level of professionalism. On average, two policemen were observed in most voting units, although in a few others, only one police personnel was present.

The PSC acknowledged the early signals sent by the police in Kogi State, where miscreants were swiftly arrested for their attacks on polling units. The officers on election duty received commendations from officers of sister agencies for their collaboration and efforts to maintain peace and order.

Dr. Solomon Arase, Chairman of the Commission and retired Inspector General of Police, personally monitored the exercise in Kogi State. He commended the three Deputy Inspectors General of Police who supervised police operations in the states: Frank Mba, Sani Habu, and Daniel Isokari-Pedro. Dr. Arase emphasised the importance of the police remaining vigilant and prepared to prevent any potential breakdown of law and order following the announcement of the election results.

Furthermore, Dr. Arase directed the police management to promptly investigate any instances of misconduct by police officers during the elections and submit recommendations to the Commission for immediate disciplinary action. He emphasised that every act of misdemeanour must have commensurate consequences.

Dr. Arase assured the public that the Commission would continue to monitor police conduct during elections to ensure optimal performance and accountability. The PSC staff monitors operated from the nine senatorial districts, while the National Coordinating team worked in partnership with civil society groups from the Situation Room in Abuja.

The PSC’s commendation serves as recognition for the police officers’ dedication and professionalism in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process in Kogi, Imo, and Bayelsa states

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