Space Science Technology, to lead global technology-DG NASRDA




THE Director General of National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Dr. Habilu Shaba, has said that Space Science Technology would in the near future, take over every part of research and human endeavour globally because the world is going digital by the day.

He stated this recently while declaring open a 4 – day training on the Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing Technology for Sustainable Landscape Management organised by the National Centre For Remote Sensing (NCRS) Jos, in collaboration with Agro-climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscape (ACReSAL), held at Steffans Hotel and Suites, Rayfield Jos, Plateau State.

The Director General who was speaking at the programme supported by the World Bank and the Federal Ministry for Science and Technology pointed out that, “We are going to expand the family of Space Scientists in Nigeria because we have this assignment and the assignment is outrageous.

“Now, the most important science technology today is space science technology and I can tell you why.
“Most of you are using smartphones and GPS is there which is space technology and people use it knowingly and unknowingly. Most of you use Google and so. In the next twenty-two years to come, there will be Space Science Technology everywhere”, he assured.

Shaba, however, expressed concern that the biggest problem Nigeria and Africa have is the inability of most major players to coordinate necessary data.

On his part, the National Director and Chief Executive of National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS), Dr. David N. Jeb said the training was a capacity and action orientation programme carried out by NCRS in sustaining the National Core mandate.

Also, the National Project Coordinator of ACReSAL, Mr. Abdulhameed Umar, commended the participants for the show of enthusiasm in attending this capacity oriented training, urging the participants to take the training seriously because the survival of millions of Nigerians in the 19 Northern states depends on them.

Meanwhile, the World Bank Representative and ACReSAL Project Task Team Leader, Dr. Joy Iganya Agene, disclosed that NASRDA and ACReSAL were strategic partners and would soon sign a treaty as soon as they return to Abuja and formalise the partnership.

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