State police will complement federal security agents – Gov Mohammed





The Executive Governor of Bauchi State, Senator Bala Mohammed, taking a swipe into the security challenges across the state and the country at large, has reiterated his advocacy for the establishment of state police, saying it will complement the Federal Police Force.

“The State Police will complement what the Federal Police is doing, because the police is overstretched. What is the ratio of the police to the citizens? It is very high”, the governor queried, and commended the state Police Commissioner, CP Auwal Musa Muhammad for the command’s efforts in curbing crimes and criminality in the state.

Bala Mohammed spoke at the merit awards presentation ceremony organised by the State Police Command for security stakeholders, where he assured of his support. He observed that the police junior officers are suffering because of anger and hunger.

At the awards presentation ceremony which was adjudged to be the first of its kind since the creation of Bauchi State in 1976, Governor Bala attributed the feat achieved in crimes and criminality prevention to the stake-holding, synergy, collaboration and understanding between the various security agencies, among others.

Governor Bala said, “We know our problems and challenges, from the leadership of the state government, from the government itself, the security agencies, the traditional institution, the local government. With synergy and understanding, we can move forward”.

Mohammed assured that his administration is working tirelessly to maintain law and order in the state, in a manner that is noticed by even the international community that pulls investors interests into the state, thereby making Bauchi the next investment destination.

The governor, while expressing appreciation to the security family of Bauchi, traditional rulers, and all other leaders, including the spiritual ones for their understanding, stated “Our corporate bodies, our contractors and development partners can come without fear to execute their projects and programmes that have lasting impact on our lives”.

Senator Bala therefore assured that the state government would deploy intellect and technology so as to have feedback and do things the way they were being done. He said it is unacceptable for people to be taken in broad daylight without being caught, though “Bauchi is different, and it is not about me, it is about the structure that is established by the military, police, the SSS, and all other security agencies, including the hunters”.

“This is the kind of synergy we need, the officers in field, the DPOs, the bridge commanders, with all the security outfits looking. Definitely, with this kind of synergy, I will be so happy that at least, we will take this to the level where we will be calling for the state to be given the opportunity to establish the state police”.

Governor Bala further explained that Bauchi State’s vision is to create state holding with community engagement, foresight, drive and determination that is being seen today which Allah has given sincere leadership across the security agencies in the state.

Our correspondent reports that Governor Bala was the first recipient of the award which according to the chief  organise,  Bauchi State Commissioner of Police, CP Auwal  Musa Mohammed, is geared to ginger stakeholders in the fight against crimes and criminality in the state. He pointed out that Senator Bala bagged the award in recognition of his expanded services towards promoting peace and security in the state.

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