Stop covering up for insurgents occupying Plateau land – El-Buba




THE convener of Coalition for Better and Brighter Nigeria [CBBN], Prophet [Dr] Isa El-Buba, has charged security forces to match words with actions and uncover those insurgents who invaded over two hundred [200] Plateau communities and occupied them illegally and guarantee the return of the rightful owners back to their ancestral lands.

He gave the charge recently, while addressing journalists at the World Press Conference on the unabated killings on the Plateau organized by CBBN in Jos, the Plateau State capital following series of unprovoked attacks on Mangu, Riyom, Barkin-Ladi and Jos-South Local Government Areas communities.

The CBBN convener said, “CBBN finds it imperative at this time to wade in on the unfortunate resurgence of blood bath and well organized killings in especially villages in Mangu, Riyom, Barkin-Ladi and Jos-South Local Government Areas of Plateau State.

“In the last four months, close to a thousand persons, mostly women and children have been massacred and butchered in cold blood by terrorists during overnight unprovoked attacks and houses burnt down, including foodstuff, food barns and seedlings.

The CBBN strongly condemns this barbaric, despicable and heart wrenching killings and destructions.

“While commending the considerable efforts of security stakeholders in the state, I also want to put it to security and defense formations that you are not doing enough. You may say you are doing your best but it is obviously not good enough, since it is not able to halt the killings and fish out perpetrators.

The Prophet, therefore, called on all community stakeholders to remain sensitive and share timely actionable intelligence with boots on ground.“I reiterate my stand that citizens must defend themselves in the face of unwarranted provocation from alien terrorist elements to uphold the inalienable right to life. All hands must be on deck to defeat this ongoing onslaught of innocent citizens on the Plateau”

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