Sweet Sisters Association celebrates 6 years anniversary.




The Sweet Sister’s Association celebrated its 6th year anniversary with a colourful event recognising and honouring women’s empowerment. The occasion was attended by distinguished guests, special invitees, and esteemed members of the association.

The matron and founder of the Sweet Sister’s Association, Mrs Dorcas Pankyes Gamaje expressed her sincere gratitude to all attendees for their support and commitment to the cause. The chairman of the event, along with other special guests of honour, was praised for their invaluable contributions to the success of the association.

The Sweet Sister’s Association, founded six years ago, aims to uplift and empower women from all walks of life. Through various projects and initiatives, the association has provided education, skills acquisition, emotional support, and counselling services to countless women, helping them become independent and self-sufficient.

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of the Sweet Sister’s Association. Your unwavering support has fuelled our success and inspired us to continue our work. Together, let us strive for a future where women are uplifted, empowered, and celebrated.”

“To the chairlady and other officials and members of the Sweet Sister’s Association, I am humbled by your dedication and commitment to our cause. It is through your hard work and perseverance that we have been able to celebrate six years of impact and meaningful contributions to our community.”

During the anniversary celebration, the progress made by the association was highlighted. Numerous success stories were shared, illustrating the transformation of once timid and unfocused women into confident and empowered individuals who have overcome obstacles in the pursuit of their dreams.

While celebrating these achievements, the matron, Pankyes, stressed the need to continue supporting women in need and providing them with opportunities for growth and development. She envisioned a future where every woman could dream big without fear or limitation, emphasising the importance of a society that offers equal opportunities to all.

The event concluded with expressions of gratitude to all attendees for their unwavering support and dedication to the Sweet Sister’s Association. The matron and founder urged everyone to continue striving for a future in which women are uplifted, empowered, and celebrated.

As the anniversary celebration of the Sweet Sister’s Association came to a close, attendees left with renewed inspiration and a sense of purpose. The remarkable work done by the association over the past six years, serves as a testament to its commitment to improving the lives of women in the local community and beyond.

The Chairlady of the association, Mrs. Jummai Markus, took the opportunity to express her immense appreciation for the unwavering support and dedication of the Sweet Sisters Association members. She pointed out that their commitment towards the association’s goals and objectives has been instrumental in fostering unity and empowerment among women in the community.

“The success of the Sweet Sisters Association would not have been possible without the remarkable efforts of our members. It is their unwavering support and passion that have brought us this far,” stated Mrs. Jummai Markus, the Chairlady of the association.


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