Task force recovers blue Sapphire worth



From VICTOR GAI, Jalingo

The Special Task Force on Environmental Protection and Illegal Mining in Taraba has recovered 22,373 kilograms of concealed Blue Sapphire from illegal miners at Mayo Sena in Sardauna LGA of Taraba State. Chairman of the Task Force, General Jeremiah Faransa, has revealed.

He also disclosed that the task force had arrested and prosecuted over 100 illegal miners which includes foreigners.

Faransa made the revelation recently in Jalingo during an interface with the media on the activities of the task force since inception.

While speaking on the state of illegal mining in the state, the retired military officer called on all illegal miners to stand down their activities and follow due process.

He noted that most of the companies have complied with the order by the governor banning illegal mining but expressed his regret for those who didn’t comply with the order. “What is expected of you, do it and no cutting corners,” he appealed to miners in the state.

He described the allegations that were spinned against his committee as “propaganda” and that his committee was transparent in its workings.

“A report was written that I raped six women and killed people. I am aware. This committee comprises all security agencies. The stealing happening there was within the illegal miners. We didn’t take a pin and never even saw gold,” he added.

Faransa also spoke on the enormous mineral potentials in the state which includes the discovery of uranium in Yorro LGA.

On the state of cutting of African Rosewood (Madrid), he said the ban was still in force and that the 16 LGAs have been mandated to plant trees.

He also disclosed that the task force had been able to intercept trucks with multiple receipts from multiple taxation which must be stopped as those taxes only go to individual pockets.


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