Unite, defend Plateau against enemies – Mutfwang




Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State has admonished Plateau people to stand together irrespective of tribe and faith in defending the state heritage against the enemies confronting communities in Mangu, Barkin – Ladi, Riyom and other Local Government Areas of the state.

He made the call on Sunday during the thanksgiving service organised by the former Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Ayuba N. Abok, where he thanked God for seeing him through the Ninth Assembly.

The event which took place at the Church Of Christ In Nations (COCIN), Jos Jarawa, was well attended. In his speech during the programme, the governor said “It’s time for Plateau people to unite on a common front in preserving the state. We must forget the mistakes of the past where various ethnic groups were left alone to confront calamities that befall their communities. ”

Mutfwang described the former Speaker and Special Adviser on Legislative Affairs as a dogged, courageous and resilient young man who fought for peace and unity of Plateau State.

He commended Rt .Hon . Abok for taking special time to thank God for preserving him throughout his tenure saying who ever thank God,He always open more doors of opportunities for them.

The Governor said, ” Let me encourage us,it is not time to be careless, it’s time for us to unite as a people.It is time for us to stand shoulder to shoulder with one another, this land that God has given us, He gave us for a purpose.We will prosper in the land that He has given us.We should continue to pray for the Bible says ‘ Watch and Pray ‘.

The former Speaker, Rt.Hon.Nuhu Ayuba Abok expressed gratitude to God for finding him worthy to serve Plateau as Speaker. He pointed out that without God, he would have been consumed by challenges of all sorts.

He noted that as Speaker,he took decisions in the interest of Plateau and pleaded for forgiveness wherever he stepped on toes of others, adding that it was not deliberate.

The celebrator revealed that the former Governor of Plateau State, Senator Jonah David Jang met the state debt burden of about N 80 billion and took it to N107 billion while the immediate past Governor, Simon Lalong who met it at N107billion , lifted it to N307billion where he called for fervent prayers for the present governor to succeed in the midst of the daunting challenges.

Former COCIN,Vice -President, Rev.Dr. Obed Dashan (Rtd), who took his text from the book of Psalm 103 versus 1-6, and 1 Thessalonian chapter 5 verse 16 with the theme ” Giving thanks in all circumstances”, encouraged believers to hold firm unto God and give thanks to Him in all circumstances.

The Agwom Izere,Da Isaac Wakili appreciated Governor Mutfwang for gracing the occasion and for his victory at the recent concluded polls.

The royal father encouraged the governor and people of the state to remain firm, courageous and resolute in the midst of current security challenges.

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