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Governor Mutfwang’s city renewal initiative




ON March 1, 2024, Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang of Plateau State took a bold step towards transforming the urban landscape of the state. With the signing of Executive Order 003, he embarked on a mission to regulate urban development, enhance public safety and stimulate economic growth across the state.

This landmark legislation is integrated within the Greater Jos Master Plan, reflecting the government’s commitment to creating a sustainable and prosperous future for its citizens.

Plateau State, located in the heart of Nigeria, has a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. However, its urban areas have faced challenges in recent years, including rapid urbanization, traffic congestion and environmental degradation. Therefore, the state government recognized the need for a comprehensive approach to address these issues and create a more livable and sustainable environment for its citizens.

The Executive Order 003 is a decisive initiative towards achieving this vision. It introduces stringent measures to regularize building construction, control traffic congestion and preserve public infrastructure. The order also aims to enhance public safety, promote economic growth and protect the environment.

The Executive Order 003 includes the following key provisions:

Building Regulations: The order introduces new building regulations to ensure that all constructions are safe, durable and compliant with international standards.

Traffic Management: The order aims to control traffic congestion by designating specific routes for commercial vehicles, promoting the use of public transportation and enhancing pedestrian safety.

Environmental Protection: The order prohibits activities harmful to the environment such as littering and encourages sustainable practices like recycling and waste management.

Public Infrastructure: The order mandates the maintenance and upkeep of public infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public buildings.

The Plateau State Government established a task force to implement and enforce the Executive Order 003. The task force comprises representatives from various government agencies, security services, and community leaders. The government has also engaged in extensive public awareness campaigns to educate citizens on the benefits and requirements of the order.

Unfortunately, the enforcement of Executive Order 003 has not been without challenges. Recently, an unfortunate incident in Bukuru claimed some lives and led to the loss of valuable property. This highlighted the resistance faced by the government’s Task Force from criminal elements opposed to these reforms.

Governor Mutfwang has strongly condemned such acts, emphasising that they jeopardise the state’s peace and development agenda. The media must be commended for playing a critical role in supporting the government’s efforts and amplifying dissenting voices.

Despite this setback, on the whole Executive Order 003 has been widely welcomed. Thus, the government remains committed to engaging with stakeholders and addressing their concerns.

The order also presents opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development. By promoting a safe and organized environment, the government aims to attract investors, boost tourism, and enhance the quality of life for its citizens.

Several success stories have emerged since the implementation of the Executive Order 003. For instance, the renovation of the Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB) building has improved the aesthetic appeal of the city. The construction of new roads and the rehabilitation of existing ones have reduced traffic congestion and enhanced mobility.

The establishment of the Plateau State Waste Management Agency (PLAWMA) has improved waste collection and disposal, reducing the risk of environmental pollution. The agency has also created jobs for hundreds of youths in the state.

The Executive Order 003 has also had a significant impact on the environment in Plateau State. The prohibition on harmful activities like littering and the encouragement waste management have reduced environmental pollution.

Governor Mutfwang’s vision for a renewed and sustainable Plateau State is a laudable effort. The Executive Order 003 is a significant step towards achieving this vision, and its successful implementation will have far-reaching benefits for the state and its citizens.

As the government continues to engage with stakeholders and address challenges, it is essential to recognize the importance of this initiative and support its efforts towards creating a better future for all.

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