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Tinubu has always been an exceptional performer- Bishop Kwashi




THE Anglican Archbishop of Jos, His Lordship, Benjamin Argak Kwashi, has described President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, as an exceptional performer who knows well about the economy of Nigeria and could solve its economic problem when given the needed support.
He stated this Friday, while in a chat with some group of Journalists who ambushed him shortly after undertaking a stop over at the State Headquarters of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Jos, the Plateau State capital.
The Archbishop said, “Bola Tinubu has always been a performer in his life if you look at his growth as a person. He has worked with oil company as an Accountant and got to be a Chartered Accountant, a Senator and a Governor. So, he is a performer. I do not think Bola Tinubu will do any less.
“Yes, he looks not too well, but that is immaterial because his brain is working and he knows what he is doing. I do not think he is any-less sharper than he has always been. If there is anything, his experience with economy is his biggest asset. That is his strongest point. He knows naira and kobo, he knows dollar and pound and that is his biggest asset.
“I can see him pursuing that aspect and once you can solve the loopholes of the economy, you will build everything because even the insurgency is all about economy. If somebody understands the arithmetic of naira and kobo and got it right, other things will be solved”, he enthused.
Reacting to the speculated notion about the Christians Association of Nigeria (CAN) on the Muslim-Muslim Ticket, Kwashi, cleared air that CAN had not opposed Tinubu’s Muslim-Muslim ticket, but had advised that the situation in the land with suck ticket may send wrong message and that was where they stopped.
He said, “but other people have taken it to mean that CAN was opposing the position of APC and that is not true. CAN never opposed APC or PDP or LP or any party. What everybody talks about was the danger of Muslim-Muslim Ticket and that was where CAN stopped. Give CAN that credit and the portion is still there.
“If now issues go Anti-Christians like in the case of President Buhari’s tenure as the was the major factor even when his Vice was a Christian, Christians who were openly wiped out especially in the Middle Belt still remained with that fact which nobody can deny that it is going on”, he disclosed.
The Archbishop, however, expressed bitterness that with all that happened, none of the Fulani herders, Book Haram, ISWAP or Bandits were neither arrested nor jailed and it was the major factor that was putting everybody’s mind in doubt about the Muslim-Muslim Ticket.
According to him, “if President Bola Tinubu’s government can bring fairness and equity to play, CAN will be so excited, Christians will be so assuaged that, even though, it is a Muslim-Muslim ticket, but there is justice “.

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