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Democracy offers right of choice -Bala Mohammed




In a Goodwill message to the citizens of Bauchi State, Governor Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir, has pronounced that democratic governance has not only been firmly rooted but also come to stay in Nigeria as it is a form of government that gives the people the right to choose who to govern them and how they want to be governed.

Bala Mohammed made the pronouncement while addressing the People of the state in a goodwill message to mark the 2023 Democracy Day celebrations on June 12, a day set aside by the Federal Government in honour of late Chief M.K.O. Abiola as a truly democratically elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria election held on the 12th June, 1993. He stated that democratic right of choice puts elected governments at both the national and state levels on their toes so as not to incur the wrath of the electorates by being voted out of power.

“As you all know, following my recent re-election as the Governor of the State, I was sworn-in on 29th of May, 2023 to serve in this capacity for another four years. Without wanting to sound immodest, I make bold to say that my re-election is a testimony of the confidence reposed in our administration by the good people of Bauchi State as a result of the execution of various developmental projects for their social-economic well-being,”

“Haven been re-elected to serve the State for another four years, I wish to extend my hand of friendship to my co-contestants for the office of the Governor of Bauchi State to, in the spirit of sportsmanship, join me in the task of taking our dear State to greater heights.”

”Bauchi is the only State we can call ours. We must therefore forget about whatever happened during the electioneering campaigns and come together to collectively work for its economic, social and political development. We owe the current and future generations the duty of making Bauchi State a better place to live in. We cannot afford to do otherwise, as posterity will not forgive us.”

”The new mandate given to me by the good people of Bauchi State to preside over the governance of the State for another four years, is a challenge to me to prove that my performance during the last four years was not a fluke.”

“We would, during the next four years, by the grace of God, prove that we have a plan to continue to work for the betterment of the socio-economic condition of the people of Bauchi State. Indeed, our intention is to positively make a difference in the lives and livelihood of our compatriots, and at the end of it all to leave the State a much better place than we found it.”

“With all sense of humility, I want to state that during the last four years, we performed creditably in various spheres of human endeavour, ranging from construction of roads in both urban and rural areas, construction and rehabilitation of schools and health facilities, water supply, supply of agricultural inputs and machinery, human capital development through economic empowerment, among many other initiatives under our Greater Bauchi Project,” he said

According Bala, ”The various projects we executed in the last four years were in line with a blueprint we had developed even before our election in 2019. The blueprint which is called “My Bauchi Project” was produced after painstakingly studying the myriads of challenges that have held the State backwards over the years.”

The Governor said that Successive Administrations in the State had done what they could to move the State forward since its creation in 1976 saying, “However, their best was not good enough to take Bauchi State where it ought to be when compared with its contemporaries.”

He said that in order to improve on the performance during the last four years, a technical committee was constituted to review the blueprint on “My Bauchi Project” with a view to assessing the level of delivery of dividends of democracy and recommend how to

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