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Go after killer bandits in communities – Mutfwang




Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has expressed sadness over continuous coordinated attacks on citizens.
He urged the security personnel to diligently execute their constitutional responsibility of protecting lives and property in the state by going after the killer bandits in communities.
This came in a press statement signed by the Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Gyang Bere, and made available to SUNDAY STANDARD in Jos, the State capital Sunday.
The statement stated that, the governor has expressed sadness over the coordinated attacks by bandits that claimed the lives of several people and property destroyed in some parts of Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of the state, affecting communities like Kak, Ranyam, Nging, Lohala and Buka respectively.
He sympathized with the families of victims and condemned in strong terms, the bloody attacks that perished lives of many innocent lives. “I want to use this opportunity to urge the security agencies to diligently execute their constitutional responsibility of protecting lives and property in the state in order to put a stop to the wanton spilling of blood and burning of property
“I also want to appeal with security agencies in the state to consider the redeployment of more personnel to the communities that are currently under attack to prevent further destruction of lives and properties and should remain neutral and refrain from meddling into the local politics that is outside their purview”, Mutfwang enthused.
The Governor, however, reiterated the commitment of his administration to work with the existing security apparatus at the Federal level, using multifaceted approaches to secure innocent citizens in communities who have been under invasion by the bandits.
He, therefore, saluted the gallantry of some of officers and men of various security agencies who have made sufficient and selfless sacrifices in curbing the spate of attacks, encouraging them to put in more efforts to halt the ugly trend completely.
While commiserating with the families of the deceased, Mutfwang, reassured Plateau citizens of his commitment to addressing their sad situation, particularly the issue of insecurity so as to bequeath the requisite development and progress the state was yearning for
He called on citizens irrespective of tribe, religion or political affiliations to join hands with government in finding lasting solutions to the unwarranted, unprovoked attacks on innocent villagers in our communities, denying them of the chance to carry out their legitimate businesses.

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