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Declare MACBAN a terrorist organisation, MDA enjoins FG




THE Mwaghavul Development Association (MDA), has called on the Federal Government of Nigeria to declare Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) as a terrorist organisation considering the heinous crimes of killing innocent people in Plateau State.

The National President, Mwaghavul Development Association (MDA), Chief Joseph Gwankat (KSM) made the call while addressing journalists at a press briefing, held at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) headquarters Jos, the Plateau State capital following Wednesday and Thursday attacks.

The President said, “It is instructive to still re-emphasise that the Mwaghavul people have been living in peace with their neighbours from time immemorial and have never attacked any of them for whatever reasons. However, recently, Fulani terrorists chose us as a target for mayhem without any form of provocation.

“Preceding the attacks which started from April till date, shortly after the governorship election, several cases of kidnapping, farmland destruction and other criminal activities perpetrated by these Fulani terrorists were recorded in different parts of the LGA, yet, our people refused to be provoked.

“It is, therefore, surprising that our attackers who have destroyed our villages and killed our people in large numbers are the ones that are crying most, after inflicting so much pains and agony on our people. This evil act is being perpetrated under Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN)”, he enthused.

Gwankat, however, wondered why the Miyetti Allah would raise such spurious allegations claiming that they were attacked by Operation Rainbow operatives, after killing a total of two hundred and four (204) people with many still missing in Mangu land rendering over fifty-three (53) displaced.

“We find this not only amusing but also a calculated attempt to paint black the image of the state government, under the visionary leadership of His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, and to suggest that it is biased in handling the situation. Let it be known that these antics of MACBAN are not new. They have made spurious claims in the past and are still making it based on the real situation in Mangu LGA.

“It is therefore, not surprising that the same aggressors who have been having a field day on our people will still turn around and claim innocence, just to hide their heinous crimes. We challenge MACBAN to provide evidence of their claims. We want to state in clear and unequivocal terms that MACBAN and their terrorist members are simply running away from their own shadow, due to the heinous crimes they have committed in Mwaghavul land.

“It is in the public domain that MACBAN has been hiring foreign mercenaries to attack communities including ours. We therefore, strongly suggest that the Federal Government should declare MACBAN a terrorists organisation because of the crimes that its members are perpetrating in various parts of Nigeria”, the MDA President suggested.

  1. He therefore, called on the secretary of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association in Nigeria (MACBAN) in Mangu LGA, Muhammad Salihu Musa, and his cohorts who have orchestrated a campaign of genocide against his people to desist and embrace peace and stop playing the victims. In the same vein, they enjoined their people to remain calm and peaceful.

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