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Mutfwang advocates stiffer penalties for collapsed structures builders




The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barrister Caleb Mutfwang has expressed concern over the incessant building collapse being witnessed in the country and called for stiffer penalty to be meted on who ever was found to be involved.

Governor Mutfwang expressed this worry, when the National President of the Nigeria Institute of Builders (NIB), Professor, Yohanna Izam and his team paid him a courtesy visit in his office at Little Rayfield, Jos last Friday.

The Governor highlighted on the need for adequate regulations and legislation as regards construction and frowned at some government agencies that still operate with the outdated legislation of 1974 in Plateau assuring that it would be looked into for a proper planning and implementation.

According to the governor, there are areas in the state that were experiencing urban decay which he added was improper in the present day reality. He emphasised the need to address such issues on time to avoid any calamity.

Mutfwang explained that if this was to be nipped in the bud, there should be synergy between the experts within the legal profession, experts in the construction industry as well as the government to help in curbing the incessant building collapse in the country.

Gov. Mutfwang assured of the present government readiness in improving the state’s internally generated revenue (IGR),in order to reduce the over dependence on the federal Allocation. And commended NIB for choosing Plateau State for their forthcoming conference. He assured participants of their safety and well being while the conference lasted.

Earlier, the President of the Nigeria Institute of Building (NIB), Professor Yohanna Izam had expressed gratitude to the governor for granting them audience and commended him for being in support of construction industry.

Prof. Izam intimated the governor on NIB upcoming 53th Annual General Meeting (AGM) which he said would be held in Jos and extended an invitation to him to be part of the AGM.

He told the governor that the event was expected to host about 2000 builders from across the country which he added would span for three days. They anticipate the participation of other professional bodies such as Architects, Engineers and Quantity Surveyors.

Prof. Izam expressed gratitude to the governor for appointing one of their members, Builder Jeremiah Satmark as his Chief of Staff (CoS), and hoped for continued support in the future.

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