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Breast cancer: NAFOWA raises awareness




In recognition of the 2023 Breast World Cancer Awareness Month, the Nigerian Air Force Officers’ Wives Association (NAFOWA), led by its National President, Architect (Mrs) Rakiya Abubakar, joined hands with individuals, corporations, and government entities worldwide to bring attention and raise awareness about the devastating disease.

As part of this year’s awareness month, the association organised a one-day health walk, lecture, and free cancer screening exercise in Abuja recently.

Speaking at the lecture themed “Routine Checkup, a Panacea for Early Detection,” Architect (Mrs) Rakiya Abubakar highlighted the alarming statistics released by the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicating that in 2020, Nigeria recorded approximately 78,899 cancer-related deaths, with breast and cervical cancers accounting for over 40 percent.

Recognising the urgency of the situation, she stressed the importance of early detection, which significantly improves a patient’s chances of survival. NAFOWA has taken on the responsibility of creating awareness in various barracks and communities to address this issue.

Architect (Mrs) Abubakar further announced that free cancer screening will be provided for wives of Air Force personnel and other Services on 9 October 2023. Additionally, a 50 percent discount will be offered to others from 10 to 17 October 2023 at the NAFOWA Cancer Screening Centre located at NAF Base, Bill Clinton Drive, Abuja.

Dame Pauline Tallen, the former Minister of Women Affairs, who served as the Special Guest of Honour, praised the National President of NAFOWA for organising the breast cancer awareness lecture and walk. She acknowledged the importance of raising awareness about the dangers posed by breast cancer to women and applauded the choice of this year’s theme.

Dame Tallen emphasised the significance of routine medical checkups, which enables early detection not only of cancer but also other potentially harmful conditions that specifically affect women.

NAFOWA has been at the forefront of advocating for the well-being of women, youths, and children. In addition to its various poverty alleviation and empowerment initiatives, the association established the NAFOWA Cancer Screening Centre in 2008. This center has played a crucial role in the early detection of breast cancer among women.

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