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Electricity sector seeks speedy adoption of renewable energy




Stakeholders in the Nigeria electricity sector have commenced a move to increase the adoption of renewable energy solutions through effective consumer finance, investment support and stakeholder collaboration.

Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Renewable Energy, Afam Victor Genes, disclosed that with the fast dwindling global fossil fuel reserve, renewable energy is the future of electricity generation. He stressed that Nigeria must step up and be more intentional in investing in the renewable energy sector and technologies. The lawmaker was speaking at the 2023 Renewable Energy Conference organised by the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) in collaboration with Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBF) held in Abuja recently. Hon. Ogene said access to electricity has remained a big challenge in Nigeria, thus, the need for alternative energy sources. He further stated that with diverse renewable energy resources available in Nigeria, the right funding would enable technology to be developed as renewable energy has the potential to bridge the energy gap in Nigeria.

Hon,Ogene therefore, advocated for a purpose-driven and intentional investment in renewable energy, by both government and private sector players to actualise a meaningful impact in renewable energy in the nation.

Also speaking, the President of REAN, Ayo Ademilua said the adoption of renewable energy has become imperative with the increasing price of fossil fuels which are highly consumed by businesses.


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