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Mutfwang applauds replication of Danguza Correctional Centre in Jos



 From PETER TITLE, Abuja 

Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State recently paid a courtesy call on the Comptroller General,  Nigerian Correctional Service,  Mr. Haliru Nababa, at his office in Abuja, where he promised to replicate the 3000 capacity Janguza Correctional Centre situated in Kano State in Jos for better reformation of inmates.

Governor Mutfwang said he was there to appreciate the robust relationship the state government had with the service and congratulated the Comptroller General for a well-deserved appointment as he posited it was not everybody that gets to the top of his career.

” I want to also specially appreciate the CG and the service for deeming it fit to site one of the befitting and modern facilities of the correctional services in my state .The 3000 capacity correctional service facility in Plateau State is well appreciated. We do not take this for granted. As a lawyer, i believe that correctional services, like the name suggests, is meant to reform an individual.

Unfortunately, the service is one of those agencies of government that has not been properly funded over the years,”    Mutfwang emphasized.

According to him, to be able to carry out their core mandate, which is not just to lock up people, but to reform people, the governor believed that the modern facility cited in Plateau was a step in the right direction to enable the service fulfill its mandate.

He further noted, ” And I want to congratulate you for sustaining that noble initiative that some of the inmates are able to continue with their education. Some of them are able to learn a trade, so that when they come out, they are useful to themselves, their families and the society at large. ”

The governor appreciated the Comptroller-General for seeing the need to bring this facility to Plateau State, saying each time he goes into the present facility in Jos, it was glaring that it was difficult to correct somebody in that facility and he was optimistic that the modern facility would lift up the spirits of those in incarceration.

Responding, the Comptroller-General Corrections, Haliru Nababa thanked the Governor for the visit, assuring him of changing the faces of correctional centres across the state.

He intimated Governor Mutfwang that he would ensure that Danguza Correctional Centre in Kano, which has all the modern facilities, would be replicated in Plateau State for the good of all.

Nababa assured the governor of collaboration with the state government in uplifting the faces of other correctional centres, most especially the ones in Shendam and Lamingo both in Plateau State.


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